Danny stared up to the sky, his hand shielding his eyes from the blinding rays of the sun. “Where is that bird?” He muttered under his breath inquisitively, waiting for a mass of white feathers to descend through the light blue backdrop. The room which he hadn’t tended to in a month was awaiting him, it was calling for him, requesting that he rest within its walls. The complex it resided in was only a few hundred meters away, a quick walk. Though he was forced to wait for the avian to return to his side. A voice from his behind tore him from his daze, [b]”I know you're hiding something.”[/b] It sounded like that of a child, he had to completely turn around and angle his head down to see the owner of the voice. It was one of the students from the group of first years. The boy wasn’t like the others, he actually took initiative and was self-sufficient, uncommon attributes in eleven year olds. “Um… What do you mean?” The student stared at him with a stern expressing. In all honesty, the question was extremely vague. It took him a few moments to realize what the boy was asking about. [i]”It’s obvious that it covers an eye. What, does he think I’m hiding candy in there?”[/i] Is was a normal person would have thought, yet Danny had to go into more depth. Usually, one could just tell off a person of Alex’s age, yet Finks felt the need to give into anybody’s questions, even a first year’s. [i]”There’s no way I can beat around this bush. I’ll probably end up telling him, but I might as well find out what sparked his querying.”[/i] Danny was sensing a mental ward emitting from the student, yet it would be child’s play to bypass. It must’ve been conjured by somebody who had some knowledge in insorcery. The person wasn’t an elite, nor was he or she horrible at the magic. [i]”I should be able to break through the ward without his noticing. I’ll just need to monitor my own stability. I just need to take a peek at some memories.”[/i] When a person excels in both mind-reading and clairvoyance, it is possible to look at a person’s most recent memories. Danny took a deep breath and closed his eye. Going through memories was like peering through water. [i]”The thought could have only risen a few minutes ago, probably upon my departure.”[/i] Within a moment, Danny caught the fleeting image of himself, leaving the crowd. As he was walking away, his body was suddenly covered in hues of yellow and grey. [i]”Ah, that explains it. Alright, time to bug out. No need to waste any more resources.”[/i] The senior could have made a mental key to the boy’s mind, for easier access next time he needed to dive into the child’s mind. Hopefully, that scenario would never arise, as it was always a hassle. Keeping one key was easy, but owning a whole chain could strain a magestrava. One of the causes of Danny’s collapse was due to having so many tabs of his former lord’s partners. It was one of the many factors which caused his powers to backlash on him. Though it seemed to have taken a few minutes for Danny, from the boy’s perspective, it all happened in the blink of an eye, literally. As his eye opened again, he realized the boy’s abilities. ”With clairvoyance, different ways of perceiving reality come to being. I guess those colors meant something, which is why you pursued me. For an answer.” Finks was unable to pinpoint what the colors meant exactly, but they had a purpose. “Sorry, I tend to be careful around students of your age, as they easily intake impressions. But, since you seem to be mature for your age, I guess I can tell you about my eye.” He shrugged and let out a sigh of contempt, “This is what happens when you overstep your boundaries. Learn your limits, and don’t venture above them frequently.” Finks should have just told the kid in the first place, but he wished to see his reason for inquiring. “Since you seem to be taking the path of an insorcerer, you can ask me about any problems. Name is Danny Finks.” After the awkward and rushed introduction, Danny let out a light cough. It was a side effect of using his abilities in such a tired state. At last, the bird returned to his side, it bleated its speed and landed on his shoulder. “I’ve gotta go now, I need to get all of my supplies in check. Might need to check with some friends before classes start tomorrow.”