{Area Unknown} [Subject 003 Cell] II Date: 20-7-2014 II Time: 7 am II The dim lightning of the room hit Subject Three's closed eyes, groaning he turned over. Body aching all over and head pounding as if he had been hit by a hammer. Ouch. Looks like there wasn't much chance of getting back to sleep now, dammit! All he wanted was a nice long sleep after what had happened..... [i]what had happened?[/i] he questioned mentally. Slowly and drowsily sitting up, groggily rubbing closed eyes as silver hair fell into now slitted eyes as they adjusted to the strange light. Grumbling inwardly, the elder stretched upwards, not yet fully awake and thus not fully aware. Before eyes peeked half open in shock, crimson orbs staring forward before quickly closing once more. Just what the hell was going on? Was someone playing a random prank on him? Oh god this so wasn't funny, when he found out who they were [i]so[/i] dead. But who was, he couldn't recall a face or name of anyone he even knew. [i]I am.....wait, who am I?[/i] Subject Three questioned, even trying to recall his own name was impossible! This better be some kind of (not) funny joke.Or maybe it was some dream and he was high off some drug, then again he didn't remember being the type to do such a thing. Still, at the moment, he just wanted out and his life back. [b][/b] Memories? Gone? Oh this was just freaking great. Looking at things, he supposed it could have been worse. He could have been dead after all. But training, what was some sicko trying to pull? Getting up, and dressed only in a pair of thin trousers that he never remembered even having. Subject Three glared around at the small enclosed room he had been placed in. Little did he notice the temperature in the room slowly dropping as his irritation and annoyance grew. "The hell are ya on about, I'm not doing anything! Let me outta here right now!" He demanded, fine silver hair tossed about from his strange 'sleep' if you could call it that. He wanted answers, and someone would get hurt if he didn't get them this instance! Still his demands got no reply at all, it was only after fuming and raging inwardly for five minutes did the sole door into his room opened, two men entering one after the other. As they approached him, the silver haired male back away slowly, he didn't like the look of this. Not one bit. Maybe they wanted him for something? Was it that training that strange voice had spoken about, oh hell no! He wasn't going anywhere until he got some answers. Acting purely on impulse, the tall male shot forward instead of back. Aiming to punch the first male that entered, however, instead of his hand connecting, a blast of something... seemed to release from his knuckles. Blue..... flame like..? Was that... fire? No, no way. It couldn't be, it felt too cold for that. Dammit! Before he had time to consider just what the fuck had happened to him further, two more males entered, at first surrounding him. Then pinning him to the floor, Subject Three struggled as much as he could, but it was no use. Eventually giving up, he was dragged out of his 'room', into somewhere unknown. [center]------------------------------[/center] {Area Unknown} [Subject 003 Cell] II Date: 3-9-2014 II Time: 2:40 am II Yet another day in this hell hole, huh? Typical. Subject Three or Shin as the scientists had recently started calling him, hadn't been able to sleep properly every since two days ago. They did something to him again, and it had been hurting like fuck ever since. Letting out a sigh, the elder sat up in his sorry excuse for a bed. Dressed in jeans and a simple black short sleeved t-shirt, stretching as he stood and moved about the room barefoot. Yet as he was trying to either wake up properly or try and sleep some more, a voice quickly took such a choice away from him. How lovely. " Hell...... Am.... getti.... trou....." A odd voice said, not one he had heard before. At least not over the speakers anyhow, moving to sit back down. Subject Three listened out carefully for anything more, and after a few seconds he was rewarded with something far clearer and easier to understand. "Or better said, fellow survivors, I am Subject 066 and I've got disturbing news, we have been told lies, we were abducted and experimented on against our will, imprisoned and less then 75% of the abducted people survived, everything they told us were lies, I plan think we should just get away from here, escape and claim our freedom back, I should have activated the mic if the intercom by now so I should be able to hear you, If I got it right we all should be able to hear each other..." Subject Sixty Six eh? Interesting, about something decent happened in this dammed hell hole. Then again, if what he was saying was true. That alone was even more of a reason to get out of this place and maybe even try to get some sort of normality back, no matter how small it may be. "As it stands I am currently only able hack into the com systems as the doors are mechanically locked, I hope you all believe me and someone might be able to escape and get the rest of us out of here, it would be great if we can open all the locks in one go." All in one go, ha! Was he stupid or something?, That was impossible, or was it? He couldn't be sure anymore in this place. Laying half back on the mattress given to him, slitted eyes closing as he simply listened and began to work through a process of even attempting to get out of here. But before he could, as Sixty Six had said, they could all seem to speak freely with each other. Huh, so it did work. How nice. Listening to a voice ask and the answer given by Subject Sixty Six, he could assume a few things from that. The problem was getting out in the first place, hm. He knew hitting the walls wouldn't work, already tried that weeks ago. At hearing a female or rather robot sounding female voice speak, the elder blinked with the reply that followed from Sixty Six, even if you couldn't outsmart the A.I. There had to be another way. A few minutes passed before the silver haired male finally spoke up. "Nothing's impossible to damage, just depends on how hard you hit it and how many times you hit. Besides just because the walls are fireproof doesn't mean the doors are, and the guards are just like us. Without any kind of power if ya get that." Came Subject Three's smooth, lilting voice as if sliding over silk. One that one send shivers upon many others backs, what had the guards called him one? A dangerous one? Ah. A dangerous man indeed. Grinning the whole way through this ordeal, even as he spoke a small mocking smile curved about his features, appearing to be almost in-human in size. Ah well, what was life without scaring a few along the way?