(given)Name:Felix age: 18 alias: Lucky subject number: 007 Appearance: Yellow hair and green eyes, medium build and height, Personality: mostly frustrated he cant remember anything, he tends to be direct and remorseless when solving problems. Impatient and never gives up. Power('s): Able to generate electricity the same way as electric eels, but amped way up. Most of his body mass was converted to special electricity producing cells to enable this. Getting angry shorts him out and causes him to pass out. limited electolocatiion must be in direct contact to shock things. In water freater electolocation range 10ft electric shock range. up to .2 amps and up to 100,000 volts. anything over 50,000 volts passes him out Equipment: none really History: The only thing he remembers is a song, remembering it calms him down. he wants to know what it is and who sang it to him Goal: get his memories back and maybe some revenge along the way Other: most of his training has been martial arts and other combat stuff he applies shocks to his strikes to stun enemy's. also learned how to short electronics and charge them. can control his amps and voltage level. high amps equals high pain high amps equals death