Auguste leant against the wall of the cabin, waiting patiently as he heard her moving around. She was going to open the window. There wasn't an inkling of a doubt in his mind that she would. She was too nice, to sweet, too innocent. And that was what drew him to her. She almost felt like an incorruptible object colliding against his corrupting force. He was always so excited to see her, to get a chance to tease her just a little more, to take just another small step towards grabbing her heart. She was one of the few that he had no kissed to grab the attention of. A son of Aphrodite should be able to win over a heart without resorting to cheating, even if something as delectable as a set of lips were the ultimate cheat code. A shark-like grin flashed across his face as he heard the latch to her window unlock, the window creaking open, letting the scent of a woman's room filter out into the air. "Front doors take all the fun out of things," Auguste said as he pulled himself through her window, dropping into her room on his two feet, his boots making a dull thud, "Windows give things a certain air of romance anyway," continued Auguste as he went up to the girl, putting his hands on her soft shoulders, "Romeo and Juliet, Rapunzel, every good romance starts with a window." His voice was almost a whisper, as if he meant for only her to hear. His hands drifted down her shoulders, sliding along her arms, his hands parting way from her as they reached her wrists. He took a small step back, his eyes carefully going over every inch of her, eating up the display. He held his breath, going completely silent, a small roguish smile creeping up on his face. He moved in slowly, closing the gap once more as he leaned in, his lips near her ear as they were earlier that day. "On your worst, you look better than any of my sisters on their best." He pulled back, bringing a hand to her cheek, which he ever so gently touched, "You look fantastic, Syl. You always do. It's criminal that you can't see for yourself and truly appreciate it." He slowly backpedaled through the room, dropping down when he reached the window, making a seat out of the window sill. "Come on, let's take the fun way out and get to the party." Auguste grinned.