Cagan skimmed over his list, kage, he seemed more disciplined and understanding than the others, he would go far if he stayed that way. The fact he was exiled didn't matter to the young knight as long as he fought well. The lady clear to be an assassin also seemed a bit useful but her obsession with money troubled him, she was more ready to dispose of others than to kill her foes it seemed, he hoped she was smarter than she was greedy. A few others to him caught his attention, a lascivious elf with a wolf feeding on a dead man who smelled like the incident, a woman of clear nordic complexion who seemed to wear nothing more than furs who had a stench much like his and young girl who he had to think twice before putting her name down, he was desperate after all. Another was an archer, she seemed more relaxed than the others. Letting out a sigh as he got al names and the house began to calm down he was a bit let down. This was all the real talent he could see, other than the possibility of the scholar named katherin who happened to be one of the only spell casters of the group. "alright prepare for the journey today as we leave by the morning of tomorrow be there or remorse over you're lost coin" the man said before beginning to walk back to the bar, only to hear a man shout "were's our money" something many of the people were wondering. Cagan paused before looking back to them. "by my name as a holy crusader of the freygard kingdom I swear to you the coin to all that survive" Cagan proclaimed without a hint of worry " I know well many of you are not of the most respectful past or occupations but I am willing to put that to the side if you all are willing to wait for your money" the man continued before walking back to his seat before a man smelling of booze threw a punch at the crusader. A sudden rush of pain surged through the man's arm as he hit the forehead rushing at him is a football style tackle. Falling over as easily as a man as blasted as himself would cagan returned to his mead satisfied.