Zmerr made his way to the stable after eating breakfast. Once there, he opened up a stall that he'd reserved specifically for the storage of food and supplies. He took a pitchfork and began distributing close to even amounts of hay to each of the horses. Some of the stalls had more than one horse in it. Due to the fire, some horses' stalls had been burned out. After feeding and watering the horses, he stood in front of the gaping hole where the fire had been last night. He assessed the damage. He looked at how much of the existing wood was safe to keep and how much he'd need to remove. He pulled a pad of paper out of his pocket and began jotting short, vague notes in messy script. he drew a few outlines of the space from different angles. When he was done assessing, he decided that one wall was completely unstable, and about 12 feet of the one perpendicular to it. The roof would likely need to be completely replaced. a combination of fire, smoke and age rendered it unsafe. There were smoke stains on a majority of the other walls. It honestly was looking like it was just time for a new stable. Perhaps a bigger one to hold the horses and other mounts of the new students as well as those who will come in the future. Zmerr already had ideas for the new stable, but he figured he should pass it through the higher-ups first. He was sure they wouldn't be too keen of a new, unplanned building popped up on their property. Upon deciding this, Zmerr sat down and began to write a formal letter to the board.