not really believe, more know. it works by screwing with the energy signals sent throughout the body. collecting and blocking them from getting through for a short time and then letting them all through at once, making the person first go limp then practically seizure depending on how hard they were trying to move and causing pain. with Rauchnaut being not flesh and blood it would weaken the effect partially but not enough for it to matter. and even without all the science behind it the nets description on my cs has accidentally been left (and accepted) as "net: a one use energy net that temporarily paralyses whatever it touches (lasts one turn, second turn anyone effected starts getting feeling back ((hurts a bit and moves slower)), third turn they're back to normal)" meaning that the person it touches doesn't matter as long as someone touches it. mix that with lith's second form and no matter how tough the armour is he has no way of surviving "second form: lith is able to change into an 8 foot lance made up of self-rotating sections covered in petal shaped 'teeth' making the lance basically a giant drill bit. also covering up to the shoulder in what looks like leaves and flowers but is actually more blades forming armor plating on the arm"