Lucky... what an ironic nickname for a person in his position. Sighing he looked around his room. Same as ever, blank and sparse, just a bed and lights. He wondered if he should blow out the lights again, he could make his own light with electricity arcs. Remembering the punishment from last time he dismissed the idea, but he just hated being confined. Part of his problem was he overflowed with energy because he continually generated it. This meant his metabolism rate was extraordinary. It caused his hair to stand on end and he couldn't rest until he was spent which could be days for all he knew, time was ambiguous in this place. "Subject 007 prepare for transport" great now he had to wear the suit, skin tight and made of rubber, it was the only way they could touch him while he was conscious. He was deposited in another training room. "Subject 007 today you need to defeat 4 training robots at level 4." Level 4? that meant average soldier level, and 4 at once meant they were really testing him. Times like this really pissed him off he wasn't a lab rat he was a person!!! As the robots came at him his skin crackled as his anger grew. "No no no." he said to himself, who else was there to speak to. "We can't pass out this time." He recalled the only memory from before. It was only a song hummed by an unknown person, but it always calmed him down. Time To plan he thought. Each robot was taken down efficiently and ruthlessly. His ability meant he only had to touch some exposed plating or wiring and he could fry them to a crisp. He took satisfaction in using enough power on each one to stop a mans heart. It tired him out a little but soothed him to see those plastic covered forms twitching and smoking. This session hurt more than usual. The robots were a new model that could fire projectiles, but he'd experienced worse. Back in his "room" he was eating when a voice came over the speaker. The voice had a power similar to his, but his seemed to be more finely tuned than his. Listening to the conversations being relayed over the intercom he felt a wave of relief. There were others, he'd always suspected but never had any proof. "Maybe a simulated system malfunction combined with a power surge will distract the A.I long enough to send an order to someone to unlock the cells cause they're empty." "Or allow someone to use force to but out without being detected. The more problems at the same time the better. I can provide the juice for a blackout, but i'd blackout myself. What do you think?"