[quote=So Boerd]Russia need not use the nuke, only threaten it, as they are now.Russia would be annihilated, but say, 30 million of us would go. Russia would be risking nothing. We won't nuke them just for threatening us, so if by some miracle we found the nerve to stand up to Putin, he would back down.[/quote] A threat alone makes allies shake in their boots. Russia ain't stupid, they're just power playing. If Putin is truly honest and from where I'm standing, they're trying to appear bigger than they seem. A pissing contest unless their is something major happening behind the scenes with the Russia economy that would make war available option. I don't really follow that side of politics in that area of the world. [quote=Rtron] As far as I know, most Americans would (and are) go 'Okay. We bomb them, give aid, but don't get involved ourselves. We have our own fucking problems.' Regardless of if it's morally right or not, we're done. We don't want to get invested in another war. [/quote] This is pretty much the truth.