[b] [u] Alika [/u] [/b] With Grey's survival more or less assured, she turned her attention to other matters, like that armored woman fighting the largest bandit. She was readying the spell, but the bandit was putting up a hell of a fight. She would have thought her dead when she fell over, if not for the tell-tale heaving of her chest. She cast Physic once more, but on such a powerful combatant she doubted it would fully restore her, just mend the most pressing injuries. [b] [u] Greyson Onyx [/u] [/b] With a nod to his small mage-friend, he set out, carefully this time. While not the stealthiest of individuals, he was certainly doing better than charging down the street. And then, as if by a stroke of luck they managed to find the bandits that nearly killed them, two of which had fallen but one remained. In addition, there were also two mercs, one he dimly remembered to be the girl that whole sparring fiasco was over. Anyway, he noticed the bandit was pre-occupied, and knew he'd NEVER get another chance like this so he walked over, and tapped the bandit on the shoulder. Confused, the bandit whipped around only to have an axe planted in his face. [b]"I told you I was the reaper..."[/b] he said to the corpse as he removed his axe, flipping the body so his new friend wouldn't have to see the wound. [b]"Well, it's a good thing you two took care of those other ones, they would have probably killed the two of us."[/b] he said to his new companions.