Alexander might of been happy with the half-answer that the other person gave, until the other guy read his mind. Almost immediately a sound of warning flaired in his mind that meant someone was rummaging through his mind. And when he looked at the stranger he was glowing purple, which typical meant the mind, most notably insorercy. It was quite easy to put two and two together to come up with the fact that guy read his mind. So he ran after him, "Oh so that is what this is about, you must be one of those magistrava who pushed themselves to hard and had a magical black-lash. I know my basics of magic. But I don't have to worry about that. I am sycher. The worst that will happen to me is a pretty bad head-ache or I will black-out. What I do have to worry about is people intruding on my brain. I am not sure what you looked at, but it generally isn't nice to read people's mind before you even introduce yourself" he smarted off.