Miren put a hand on his sister’s shoulder, pulling her back a little. “Your mistake, we’re just looking for a place to stay for the night,” his voice is blunt and rough, and he squeezes Mira’s shoulder tightly, causing her to wince slightly, until she pulled away and brushed her shoulder off. “Yeah, just staying here for the night. We have no idea where the next town is and I’m certain as hell not walking all night again just to be sure no one sneaks up on us at night,” Mira says as she turns and glares at her brother, before turning her attention to the squirrel, watching it scamper up and down her. “So contacting someone who’s allowed to allow us to sleep would be good.” Miren pulls his sister close, whispering, “[i]They look like brigands to me, that one even has blood on him.[/i]” Mira elbows him in the ribs, glaring at him, before turning her head back to the man who had spoken to them, smiling a little. “We don’t mind waiting at all, and don’t worry about Miren, he’s a dick, but he usually doesn’t attack unless provoked,” she chuckles a little, trying to cheer up the seemingly afraid man. After hesitating a moment, Mira puts out a hand to him. “I’m Mira Kennel, he’s my twin,” she indicates Miren with her head. “Nice to meet you. May I know your name?” She tries to make herself seem relaxed and friendly, to negate the glare Miren was giving the man, his hand still on his sword threateningly.