After arriving to the room The conversation continued between the two. Again Bryce listened to Ashtia that's what i meant by almost mastered for illusions its quite difficult to mimic Smell because its both always changing and sometimes so fleeting. However my father has mastered it and with him he can create an illusion that can almost be considered a clone for the amount of detail that he puts into it. but with him that’s just a tip of the iceberg. Bryce watched in amazement at the show Ashtia put on like a small child his eyes were filled with wonder and his want to know more had begun to emerge. Bryce again quickly pulled out his book and writing utensil from the small bag around his neck and began to write. • [b]Conjuration[/b]- It appears Conjurations bring manifestations of objects, creatures, or some form of energy to you from another plane at least that’s what it seems. • [b]Enchantments[/b] – enchantments seem to give a temporary magical effect to a desired object or possibly item currently not much else is known (will require a more In depth study) • [b]Evocation[/b] - this is by far one of the most tempting to learn it seems these Spells can manipulate energy or create something from nothing. [I]this is only an at first glance analysis[/I] Bryce quickly finished writing in his book he then closed it and placed it back in his bag. He looked around the room for an empty bunk and found one adjacent to Ashtia he walked over and removed a few other things from his bag one item in particular was a small book a journal of sorts. He sat this atop his end table and looked to Ashtia with a playful devious smile “Wanna explore the grounds a bit more” he chuckled. [img][/img] (the book Bryce sat down about the size of a regular journal)