[quote=Prince] And, I activate... [/quote] The real calling card is a ferret. [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/32/Ferret_2008.png[/img] [img]http://www.manitobaferrets.ca/start/images/preferret.jpg[/img] I am obsessed with them, utterly. The moment I have a pet friendly apartment, I'm getting one. [quote=Rtron] Thank you kindly. Blast. Oh well. We have enough popcorn to last us while we wait. [/quote] Read below for the why on... Delays? [b]@Peepz & Deadlines:[/b] Okay, lets make this clear, once, from the top please. --I work full time graveyard shift. Sometimes overtime where necessary. --I take public transportation because car insurance is hella expensive. --I have IRL responsibilities other than existing, which are often too personal to disclose on the Internet. --I have a [i]mental disorder[/i], to top it all off. Sometimes, or hell often, I will fail to meet a deadline for something as minor as an individual thread on Roleplayer Guild. My players often joke that if I say I'm going to post on the 10th it'll be the 12th or the 13th. :lol Which isn't inaccurate honestly. When I do I at least try to be polite enough to give a reason why. Sometimes if it's especially lengthy stuff I'll screencap and share it to show I am doing it: In pieces. [b]@One person bitching about another person who is right here:[/b] [img]http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/10/24/article-1080241-023A80AA000005DC-767_468x305.jpg[/img]