Name: Maria Kingsley Species (vamp, human, thrall, or human hunter): Human Hunter Bio: Maria has been around hunters ever since she was born. She is the granddaughter of the famous Kingleys, so she was basically hunter royalty. Vampires weren't just a fairy tale for her, they were every day life. It was always her dream to be the best hunter ever. Everyday brought a new hunter to the mansion, and as soon as she was old enough she pestered them as much as she could for their stories. She day dreamed about the first day she'd be able to go on a hunt. By the time she was 13 she was pretty much an expert. She could take down a man 3 times her size and weight, hit a target with a crossbow from 200 yards away, and seamlessly hide silver knives inside her clothes. She was ready for her first hunt. It happened on the night of her 13th birthday. Leaving at midnight she went on her own to investigate a report of vampires in a nearby town. As it turned out, there were two vampires living together as a couple. Taking out the female first, she forced the male to watch before killing him too. She loved every minute of it. This is what she was born to do, this is what she would always do. Returning home a success she was praised by her parents, grand parents, and the other hunters. As she grew older she went on more and more missions and became some what of a legend, both for her hunting prowess and her beauty. Word of her prowess has even spread to the world of vampires, and they have put a price on her head. Many hunters attempted to court her as she grew older, but she has refused them all so far, saying that they weren’t, “strong enough." Personality: When she’s at home an around other hunters Delilah is a vary happy person, but she can be a bit shy. At times though she tends to be very strong willed, if she takes a stance on a subject she will not budge from it. When she is on a hunt, her personality does a 180. It becomes very sadistic and focused, she enjoys playing with her kills very she finishes them off. If it comes down to it though, she won’t hesitate to take down a vampire, she has no remorse for them. She is a strong believer and what she does, and she isn’t likely to be spared a second to a vampire. Appearance:[hider=Picture!!] [img=] [/hider] Age: 18 (boop)