Nyala didn't know what to make of motley assortment of individuals, each as different as the next. Archers, knights, woodsmen, a pretty little magician and even assassins. She scoffed at that last. Assassins that looked like assassins? Clearly they were new to the trade. A real assassin looked like everyone else, was unremarkable in every respect and they most often didn't carry obvious weapons, concealing them in common objects. There was even a wolf. What manner of selfish person would bring their beast within the walls of this wretched, refuse strewn town? She found herself feeling sorry for the beast. The scent of this place was likely burning her sensitive nostrils. Her first thought, once the roll was called, was how rude their sponsor was. Refusing to introduce himself and simply launching into his proposed quest. She shook her head and knocked back another swig of ale before merely raising her axe in salute to signify her interest in joining the quest. What cared she for such documents as he had unrolled in his hand. Scrolls were the province of skalds and kings, not warriors like herself. Then, during the roll call, one of their number murdered a random innocent. She was already watching that man, one of the obvious assassins but who could miss the arterial blood gushing upwards and painting the rafters crimson or the coppery metallic scent of freshly spilled blood suddenly added to the mixture of stale ale, old vomit and bodily odour? Those closest took it hardest, sheathed in jetting blood. That was just grand. Now they would have to deal with the city guard investigating and interrogating everyone just to assuage this childling's salving of a bruised ego. It would be hours before they would be able to leave. Well, that just meant more time for drinking. Slapping another coin on the bar she took another tankard and moved closer to this new patron. "What manner of evil doth lie in wait oh nameless patron?" she asked as she glared a small man out of his seat through sheer dominating personality and straddled it, "be it goblin, troll or even Jormungandr himself you have my blades and axes."