[hider=Nora Vincent] [center] [b][u]Name:[/b][/u] Nora Vincent [i][u]Nickname:[/i][/u] Some people have some for her, and they’re all unflattering [i][u]Gender:[/i][/u] Female [b][u]Age:[/b][/u] 21 [i][u]Age Appearance:[/i][/u] 18 [b][u]Appearance:[/b][/u] [img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs34/i/2008/292/c/8/__Once_A_Happy_Child______by_Sepharic.png] [b][u]Personality:[/b][/u] Nora doesn’t know a whole lot, but what she does know is what motivates her; profit. Work is to earn money, friends are for favours, and life is for getting ahead. In a small town like Krukow, there isn’t much in the way of chances to get ahead. But Nora always makes do with a poor situation. Ingenuity and pioneering are probably her key skills. Nora might be mostly self-interested, but she’s smart about it. If there’s a threat afoot, she’ll help, if only to keep herself or her livelihood safe. If there’s a task that needs doing, and Nora sees the benefit helping out, she will. It’s just highly unlikely that she will help out when it would really tax her and gain her little too. Nora’s generally friendly in conversation, if only to avoid needlessly making enemies. After all, there’s power to be had in seeming like a nice person. She will shamelessly call in favours from anyone she considers a friend, but she’s honourable enough to consider one owed in return. She has a slight weakness for certain kinds of criticism though. You can call her greedy, you tell her she doesn’t care, but you may NOT call her a whore, and you may NOT tell her she’s dumb. One thing she never sells is her body and she prides herself on her quick thinking. [b][u]Backstory:[/b][/u] Born to a pair of run-of-the-mill labourers, Nora grew up detesting the rural mediocrity of Krukow. It was just all too boring. She quickly realised how tedious playing around as a child could become when you never met anyone new, and had little desire to start working some boring day job. She always dreamed of setting sail on a ship and leaving the pissant village she called home for good. She never did get around to that, yet, but she did once go on a trip to Kuiper with her family. It was all too exciting. She would’ve given anything to stay, but her parents we against her even venturing too far into the city during their visit. She would be left to simply hope that one day she might be able to see what was there. Eventually, she did, putting together some money to make a clandestine visit, parents unaware, that she could take a look at the seedier elements of city life. What she saw did not disappoint, she came to love the night life. But more than anything, it gave her an idea. One thing she had learned well was that people were often lazy. They would go a long way to get something, if they had to, but when it was closer, it seemed so much more attractive. So Nora started to buy cheap goods in Kuiper, alcohol and other such things, and sold them to people in Krukow for a mark-up. She started small, just selling to kids her age that had yet to experience anything of the sort, or were just real gullible and/or impressionable. She eventually made enough money to set up her own little place, selling to the small group that was prepared to fork out for the convenience of a local store. She was making a tidy profit here, but also began to draw the ire of the more moral residents of Krukow. She has been accused of corrupting their small community and introducing immoral elements to an otherwise pure island by at least a few around town. Whether it’s true or not, Nora doesn’t really care, but she did give someone a black eye once for speculating she was probably whoring herself out on the side. The one thing that did hurt was her own parents becoming distant as a result of it all, but it didn’t stop her. She’s now at a sort of a crossroads. Her little business has succeeded, but it’s still small potatoes. She is considering leaving in search of better prospects, but she realises she has a good thing going here… [b][u]Classification:[/b][/u] N/A [b][u]Skills:[/b][/u] -Smooth talker -Savvy businesswoman -Quick thinker [i][u]Techniques:[/i][/u] [i]Super Sale[/i] Nora attempts to convince the target how exhausting a walk to shop would be when they can just buy something quick from her. If successful, she cheats them out of more cash than they ought to be spending. [i][u]Equipment:[/i][/u] -She has a shotgun for keeping her business safe from rowdy customers or else -She never lets the key to her little den out of her hands [b][u]Position:[/b][/u] If they have a bar on board, she would be right at home there. Else, she would take whatever role involved actively safeguarding the ship from attack. [i][u]Theme Song:[/i][/u] [youtube]ARR02AZtaZw[/youtube] [/center] [/hider]