Astrid stumbled off the dance floor laughing as she wiped away the sweat that poured off her head. It gave a musky smell that mixed strangely with her vanilla flavored perfume. Walking towards the entrance she saw Thain and Erin walk in, finally joining the party. Erin snatched a beer from some random kid and took a big swig. Striding over, already a little bit buzzed, she threw her arm around Erin's shoulder, putting herself between Erin and Thain. "Ello lovlies. How are we tonight? I see Erin's already getting into the spirit." She glanced at Thain, "Oh honey, didn't you realize? This is an [i]adult[/i] party. We drink here." To show for example, Astrid plucked the beer bottle out of Erin's hands and took a deep swig. "Oooh that's good after a hot dance." She placed the bottle back in Erin's hands. "Hey by the way I hope we can make amends for earlier, all is forgiven?" She gave both Erin and Thain a large grin showing her obvious sarcasm. She was still pissed off at Thain, and a little embarrassed for burning up in-front of them. That thought started her thinking about Eli. --- Jack leaned across the table where the food was cooking. Leaning over the big pot of bubbling food he let the smell waft up into his nostrils. "Uggh that freakn' amazing." Grabbing a little bit of oregano and thyme, he sprinkled them across the top before giving it a large turn. Scooping up some into his mouth he moaned again. Perfect. Turning around to face the crowd, Jack could see one of his sisters bugging Erin and Thain. Of course it would be Astrid that did it, she had a natural knack for getting under people's skin. Hopping around the table he strode over to meet them. He was still wearing his apron covered a little bit in stew. "Hello everyone, I hope you can excuse my sister, she happens to be a little bit drunk." he smiled apologetically at Erin. "Am not!" came the immediate response from the red haired girl between the two. Jack sighed always smiling, "Yes Astrid, yes you quiet are." He moved around her slowly removing her arm from around Erin. "Come now go off and bother someone else, you must know by now these two aren't very fond of your company." He gave her a little push towards the dance floor. Turning around Astrid gave him an evil looked. With a quick peck on Erin's cheek she dashed off into the crowd a hopeless grin across her face. --- Pressing his lips together to suppress a smile, Jack could only shake his head. After he looked up at the two of them. He looked at Thain first, who seemed like he had just gotten dressed in his normal clothes. Erin on the other hand stopped him in his movement. She looked.. amazing. Ever since Jack had met Erin he had had a huge crush on her. She was like a beautiful rose, pretty to look at but had thorns out constantly to protect her. Erin was the type of person that Jack could let know his secret, she was that type of person. The only one that knew was Astrid. She had saw him when he had accidentally changed, and she walked into the bathroom he was in. That day had been quiet an exciting one, he was just lucky all the other Hephaestus kids were in the basement when she screamed and punched his bony jaw. Shaking his head out of dreamland Jack said, "My gods Erin. You look... absolutely stunning." He gave one of of his winning smiles to her letting her know he wasn't pulling her leg. "Would you, perhaps like to dance?" Maybe tonight would be the night had won Erin over. She was a tough nut to crack, but Jack wouldn't give in very easily. Looking her in the eye with his deep chocolate brown eyes he said, "It really would mean the world to me." He took off the dirty apron in hopes that she would say yes. Jack held down his [url=]shirt[/url] as he pulled it over his head and tossed it back towards the food table. Looking back up he waited for her reply hopefully.