[[Area Unknown: Cell Subject 009]] I opened my eyes. Red strands fell in my face as I gazed at my desolate surroundings. An empty cell, a metal door, and no apparent luxuries or easy ways out. "I...please?" I whispered. "Where...where am I?" I didn't expect a response, which is why I jerked against the wall when an echoing voice said "Welcome Subject 009, I hope you have had a nice rest, as you might notice your memories have been swiped, an interesting side effect, we will soon begin your training." I didn't see any option other than to do as I was told, so I curled in a ball and waited. I must have fallen asleep at some point. ---- I awoke to voices, over the intercom again, one as digital as the first and the other softer-seeming. More voices pitched in, and while I couldn't catch much, I gathered that they were planning an escape. I didn't know quite what I was escaping from, but would be glad for anything other than this, and so spoke up myself. "I...um...excuse me...d-did you see in the..the file what I can do?"