[hider=Lena Dragic] [center] [u]Name:[/u] Lena Dragic [u]Nickname:[/u] "Oh my god! She's still coming towards us!" [u]Sex:[/u] F [u]Age:[/u] 23 [u]Age Appearance:[/u] Young Adult [img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/075/7/6/mono_blu_by_the_noun-d4swhrh.png] Standing at 6'2" and weighing 156lbs Lena is very tall but thin with a pale complexion. Her hair midnight black and contrasted by her piercing green eyes. [u]Personality:[/u] Lena is as intrusive as her combat style, she has absolutely no sense of personal space (ironic cause she is a mage that specializes in shields) and her tall stature can make her very intimidating, especially once one learns what her last name is. But Lena is actually very kind, she is easy to get along with and always feels as though she must do the right thing, her good karma may be the reason for her uncanny amount of luck. She introduces herself to everyone, though by first name only as she does not want her last name to be the reason she is famous, working to make a name for herself in the Sovereign Islands because she is already very well known by the Crucible whom have a bounty on her head that was passed down from her father. [u]Backstory:[/u] To get to know Lena you must first know about her father the infamous Captain Dragic. A man who cut his way through the sky oceans as the captain of a prosperous mining and aura harvest ship he made his fortune traveling to unexplored areas and claiming the natural bounties in those locations, starting his own transportation company to move the harvested goods to the sovereign islands and making the lands quit prosperous for a while, at least until the Crucible moved in and tried to tax his operations. Dragic was not having any of that and with the other Transport companies of the free lands he founded the League of Free Skies, defying the Crucible Navy by using heavily armed ships to transport their good they harassed the tyrannical empire for years. Dragic eventually did settle down in his private estate hidden away from the Crucible Navy's grasp he wanted to raise a family, his wife giving birth to his only daughter Lena he packed away his ship the Strider, a Snapback class battlecruiser. He took great care of his daughter Lena, just leading his company from the sidelines now she shared his love of adventure with his little girl, telling her stories of the strange lands and creatures, he loved seeing Lena's eyes as she watched him work with so much intent. Lena's story however truly starts just a few months after her tenth birthday, her father falling I'll to the same sickness that took Lena's mother just a year before he left his daughter his massive fortune and his ship the Strider but on a condition, he was giving her the chance to go out and have a adventure just like him, taking the precautions needed to make sure she was prepared and would be funded enough to be prepared for this he left her his dying message to go out and become just as well known as him. Three years after his death the League fell apart, but that didn't mattered to Lena. starting at the age of ten she trained for seven years, learning how to pilot, fight and take care of herself under the care and guidance of her mentors hand picked by her father. Leaving her hidden home at the age of 17 she set out as a mercenary to go and make herself even more famous than her father and earn his fortune plus the right to command his old ship. It has been 4 years since she first set out, working with several trade companies and even a couple rift hunters Lena has been fighting to make herself known, she currently has taken a job as an escort with a bunch of Missionaries who follow the path of the Goddess who have traveled to the small island of Krukow as healers and teachers, it's a peaceful mission and a nice break from her usual chaotic life so she is taking the chance to relax and help out with her knowledge of healing. [u]Classification:[/u] Shock Trooper/Force Mage [u]Skills:[/u] Airship combat and tactics has been drilled into her head since she could walk, manning a turret or taking command of a ships helm come natural to her though she never will forcibly take over out of respect to the captain. When her Father died Lena started her training in combat, while she did not have free access to the large fortune in her father's vault when he passed away he did allow his old colleagues to use what was necessary to get his daughter prepared for the outside world so that she could follow in his foot steps. Lena is trained to use her hammer in a special combat style that uses the weapons natural weight to provide crippling blows, she is also adept at a wide variety of fire arms but favours pistols for their small size and ease of reloading. First aid was her next field of expertise, favouring this over her mechanical lessons she is a skilled healer but lacks in her knowledge on aura generators and a ships mechanical systems. Lastly Lena has a mana proficiency, her main skill being able to form physical shields and moving them around her body, discovering ways to use these to aid her combat and protect her person in a fight. [u]Techniques:[/u] -Line Buster- Swinging her hammer straight into the ground she adds her own weight to that of the hammer to create a flying brick of metal that can only be stopped by her target or the ground. -Skyward Sweep- An upward swing with the same forces of the Line Buster, Lena uses her magic to aid in this attack. -Conjuring Block- A basic shield spell that creates a physical shield of light. -Cleaving Scythe- A more advanced Force magic technique Lena slices the air with two fingers, using a hyper compressed shield she creates a physical blade that can slice through flesh or steel depending on how much energy she puts into the spell. -Piercing Lance- The same as Cleaving strike but a bullet created by her shield magic, pointing her finger like a gun to aim she casts a beam that and strike through her target. [u]Equipment:[/u] On her person Lena carries a pair of heavy [url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs14/i/2007/077/9/b/The_Twin_Tools_of_Death_by_biometal79.jpg]revolvers[/url] and a folding warhammer that is stored in a holster at the small of her back. [u]Position:[/u] Medic or Armorer [u]Theme Song:[/u] [youtube]_SYu1oNg1J0[/youtube] [/center] [/hider]