"Two minutes late, Viper." Aurel didn't look up from a piece of parchment that he was poring over. "Time is essential." He finally looked up at his three comrades - Slip, Bullseye and Viper. It wasn't ideal, but it would be enough. He needed to maximize time so they could get their mission done quickly. "Alright, pass this around." He handed the parchment to Pablo. "Tactful is not a bad choice of words, Viper. Well, firstly, the commoners need to let out the anger they've pent up for a decade. Secondly, it's to distract the majority of the Fireblades in the vicinity away from our mission. What you see on that piece of parchment is a map of Fireblade Outpost Four. It is one of the more... fortified camps the Fireblades have overrun. Inside the main building, I have reason to believe that certain secret documents are sitting inside a jeweled, locked iron chest. Those secret documents contain a fair bit of practical intelligence about Dragonmaw's numbers. Amount of men, artillery, treasury, etc, etc. Inside another chest are records of court hearings, many of them unjust, unfair, and corrupt. We plan to snag both chests from their perches in Outpost Four and smuggle them out to foreign powers. The practical intelligence is vital to the generals to plan their invasion, and the court records will inspire outrage in the public. Most of the guards have left to deal with the 'tactful display', but that doesn't mean we won't meet any resistance. Any questions?"