[i]Calm down you idiot, there's no reason to freak out.[/i] Kindle scolded himself mentally, attempting to push down his welling panic. Taking a deep breath, Kindle would take a step closer to where the majority of campers were congregated. As he did so, a smiling camper turned and pushed a red plastic cup into Kindle's hands, spouting out words that were incoherent to Kindle. Smiling a bit and muttering a thanks, Kindle would look to the cup in his hands.. The cup had a strange, dark liquid swooshing around inside of it, but Kindle didn't pay much attention to that, rather hastily raising the cup to his lips and allowing the liquid to drain past his lips. As soon as the fluid touched his tongue, Kindle choked. It was [i]alcohol[/i]! Kindle's face contorted and his mouth opened, immediately spitting out liquid, which flew towards a small group of people. That group of people would just so happen to be Erin, Thane, Astrid, and Jack, who were now in the splash zone. Kindle's face reddened as he realized what had just happened, and he opened his mouth to apologize. "S-sorry, I-I... I'm sorry!" Tears welled up in his eyes and he blinked them back. Now was the time to get out of there before he embarrassed himself even more. Spinning on his heels, Kindle would find himself trapped between the bodies of other campers, unable to move away from the group. Kindle was suddenly aware of the sounds of music and the talk of other campers pushing into his eardrums, and he longed to go back to his cabin, where he was free from the embarrassment of his current situation. Turning again to face the group, Kindle looked down to the floor and stared at his feet, his cheeks still red. Great, he'd only been there for five minutes and he'd already screwed up.