[b]Saber[/b] Saber landed, armored feet clanking on the cave ground. The creature seemed stunned for a moment, which would leave them quite open to simply escape. Saber did not want to risk the others in pursuing an attack on the creature further. She felt it wasn't likely that it would follow out of its- The moment the water hit the dragon, she could tell something was wrong. Her Instinct warned her, she could feel that something terribly wrong had just occurred. And then... she realized what some of the objects in the current of water that had washed over the wyvern. They were eggs. The creature had been defending her next. If Saber had been the type, she would have cursed the fiery skeleton for disturbing the monster in the first place. It was an incredibly stupid, foolish move, and now those in the group who could not withstand the creature's attacks would pay for it. The blast of fire was still fueled by magic, on some level, and Saber had already began to back away. As such, while the force took her off her feet, her body was unharmed. She still tumbled through the air, before finally finding ground beneath her feet, skidding backwards and casting up streams of dust. Her head snapped towards the others. "Leave! Now! It will be more interested in recovering its eggs then us, [i]run[/i]!" Saber did not feel this opponent was insurmountable, but there was no reason to risk the lives of the people here. Saber simply hoped no-one was a fool enough to do anything like the skeleton had. ---- [b]Jakuzure Nonon[/b] And there... there was one dead cat... dragon... thing. "Jeez, that was annoying. And pretty hideous," Nonon said, stretching, "At least the idiots aren't hideous. ... Mostly." Nonon folded her arms... and then noticed that it was stirring again. Oh, hell, they hadn't killed it? Now it was going to do more noise pollution. and something seemed... seriously wrong this time. Like it was kind of... out of it, and it was bleeding like crazy. Was it going berserk or something? It barely seemed alive anymore... "... Is it a zombie? Jeez, what a cliche!" And then it turned invisible again. Nonon narrowed her eyes. That was really ticking her off... and then she had barely any time to dodge a volley of spikes. They hissed through the air past her, and then there was another volley. One of them hit, but bounced off of her uniform. Nonon let out an yelp when it hit, all the same. She felt that! Not hard enough to actually do anything dangerous, but it hurt! ... Bastard awful stupid monster! Nearly growling, Nonon ascended and aimed downwards. Fine, it wanted to be a bastard then she'd rip it a new one! "FINE! How about I just lay waste to your whole fucking forest you rotten pile of garbage?!" A pink glow ignited around her cannons. She really was going to do it, as long as that girl got the hell out of there already...!