[hider=Isaac Ruld][b][center][u]Name:[/b][/u] Isaac Ruld [i][u]Nickname:[/i][/u] Zaps, Mr. Fixit [i][u]Gender:[/i][/u] Male [b][u]Age:[/b][/u] 20 [i][u]Age Appearance:[/i][/u] 20 [b][u]Appearance:[/b][/u] [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/a4/e5/09/a4e509bb61edf54d310ef27217f08d45.jpg] Height: 5'9'' Weight: 165 lbs. [b][u]Personality:[/b][/u] Isaac is usually calm and collected, even when things start to go wrong. His philosophy, both as an electrician and as a person, is to identify the source of your problems, fix it if you can, and scrap the project if you can't. He also has a very curious nature; whenever he comes across a new device or gadget, he likes to take it apart to see how it works... if he's allowed to. He enjoys peaceful hobbies, like reading, fishing, and "tinkering." He is an agreeable person and can meld well with all but the most hostile personality types, and even those he would rather just leave alone than pick a fight with. The only time he has been known to act rashly is in defense of himself or his friends. [b][u]Backstory:[/b][/u] Isaac was born on Krukow, the youngest of three children; one older brother, one older sister. It became apparent what his talents were in his first year of school when he took apart the classroom's pencil sharpener, but managed to get it back together before the teacher could finish scolding him. Thus, one of his first life lessons was "ask before you take something apart," which, of course, was a lesson he had to be reminded of numerous times as a boy. His magical potential became apparent when he was 10 years old, and he began to work with battery powered toys. It was no surprise that he was able to disassemble and reassemble them; what was odd was the intrinsic knowledge he seemed to have about them. He would always know just when a battery was about to die, and would always know when a wire came loose without even examining the object. And somehow, he could always pump a little more juice into the toys than they ought to have. All doubts were eliminated, though, when Isaac met his first bully. He was off "tinkering" with some electronics, when a kid a couple years older and twice Isaac's size decided that Isaac wasn't allowed to have a screwdriver anymore. After the typical teasing and taunting, Isaac balled up his tiny fist and threw a pitiful punch at the bully's chest... and sent him flying back several feet. It then became clear to all the residents of Krukow that Isaac was a mage. Isaac ultimately decided to hone his talents to aid him is his work. Even before finishing school, he became known as Mr. Fixit, and it wasn't long before Isaac realized that he could make a profession out of his hobby. Electric saws, machinery, hover boards, and the occasional air bike would all need repairs eventually, but things were slow on his rural island. Sure, he would be able to make enough money to get by, but it was actually getting quite boring seeing the same problems over and over again. So, one day he saved up some money and took a trip to Kuiper to try to make a name for himself there. At first, not many people would hire a "farm boy" to do any important electrical work, but his magical abilities gave him a distinct advantage over average electricians. Also, there was the fact that he was willing to work for nearly half the standard wage. Slowly, but surely, his credibility increased, and he was offered jobs working on important city power plants. He even contemplated taking it a step farther and moving to the Crucible, but stories of mages being forced into military service turned him off to the idea. Because of such stories, he never told anyone in Kuiper about his abilities; instead, whenever somebody asked how he was able to know so much about the machinery, he would just say "trade secret." Even working on a reduced wage, Isaac was able to live comfortably commuting between Krukow and Kuiper. It got to the point where he didn't even need to charge for the work he did at home. Thus far, Isaac has lived a reasonably content life, but he has never gotten a chance to work on one of the greatest marvels of engineering: an airship. Sure, he had worked on smaller private ones, but those gigantic trade vessels were a whole other league. He read all the literature of blueprints and schematics about airships that he could find, but reading was never as enjoyable as doing... [b][u]Classification:[/b][/u] Arcane Mage, Electic [b][u]Skills:[/b][/u] Knowledgeable in various power generators and circuitry, skilled mechanic/electrician/repairman, good problem solver, knows lots of math, can manage a hectic schedule, not bad a fishing. [i][u]Techniques:[/i][/u] [i]Sense the Current[/i] - Isaac has the ability to sense electrical currents. This lets him detect if an object is electric, can give him a sense of the voltage and amperage at each part of a circuit, and gives him some insight on how it works based on where the electricity flows. He can also detect breaks in currents, which can give him insight if a device has an electrical malfunction. This latter purpose has made him an excellent electrician. [i]Human Battery[/i] - Isaac can power electrical devices using his magical energy. However, he will become fatigued and could pass out if he pushes himself too hard. [i]Stun Fist[/i] - Isaac can charge up an electric potential in his fist that unleashes a stunning blast on impact. Not strong enough to kill a man, but it could certainly knock somebody on their ass. [i]Insulation[/i] - As a result of his electric affinity, Isaac has a remarkably high resistance to being shocked. This makes him virtually immune to any shocks he may encounter during his work. Shocks from major energy generators can stun him a bit, but leave him ultimately unharmed. Something as powerful as a lightening bolt would likely knock him out for a bit and leave some burns, but he would certainly survive. [i][u]Equipment:[/i][/u] Glasses, a set of precision screwdrivers, wire clippers, notepad and pen. [b][u]Position:[/b][/u] Electrician/Technician [i][u]Theme Song:[/i][/u] [youtube]AzBxs09FKxg[/youtube][/center][/hider]