Done and ready to be reviewed. [Hider=Nanako Tsukino] [Center] Name: Nanako Tsukino Nickname: None as of yet. Gender: Female Age: 17 Age Appearance: 17-18 Appearance: [Img=] She stands at 1.75m, and weighs 58kg. She has a fair build to her body. Personality: Nanako is what you can describe as a true Green Thumb. She loves nature and the outdoors, always ensure wherever she is at is environmental friendly. She is a vegetarian, and dislikes when people eat any kind of meat near her. She will not directly show her dislike of people eating meat, unless it is something too big or such. Due to all of this, she will also very clearly object to any kind of meat collecting (Fishing, hunting) In regards of other people, Nanako is fairly friendly, but the only creature she will show love is her pet, Toroto the Chameleon. She has no problem trusting others, as long as they don't give her a reason not to. Besides that, she can be a tad quiet whenever a topic she does not know comes up, but when it comes to anything regarding nature, she will become a motormouth. She also has a bit of a hard time considering anyone to be a good friend, due to losing all of her friends before, and not wishing to experience this again. Backstory: Nanako was born and raised in Crucible territory. Ever since she was young, she always found herself facinated by nature, animals and plants alike. She kept on studying as much as she could on them since she could read, and rarely spent time inside. Her parents didn't always like how much she loved the outdoors and nature, claiming that technology also had an importance, but she ignored them. Besides that, she had a good relationship with her parents. While she grew up with technologies of different levels all around, she always liked the idea of using the natural resources to power the different technologies, even if she rarely used them. When Nanako became 15, she learned about something that greatly upset her, which was rumours that the Crucible was using animals to expand their knowledge on Aura and Mana. While at first she had no idea if it was true or not, the fact alone was enough to make her start spending time around Crucible buildings, trying to find out if it was right or not. After three months of doing so, she found that the answer was yes. She spotted a glass box, with several different animals inside, taken into one of the buildings. She gathered a few of her friends and had them create a small mob that wanted the Crucible to stop experimenting with mana, and once it had attracted enough attention, Nanako managed to slip inside the building and found the glass boxes, which weren't placed in the laboratories yet. She opened one and picked up a chameleon, and before she could take out other animals, a couple of guards arrived and pointed their guns at her, telling her to put the chameleon down and to come with her quietly. She was about to do so, when another voice was heard. The chameleon spoke. Both the guards and Nanako were shocked, but she quickly got over it and made a run for it, still holding the chameleon. Just barely managing to get out and run, she realised that the guards had pictures of her due to the cameras within the building, and placed a small reward on whoever will give intel on her whereabouts due to taking a 'valued' resource from them. She decided to name the talking chameleon Toroto, and shortly afterwards left the Crucible territory, heading to Krukow, as she knew she would be safe there. She had felt a bit sad that she left her parents like that, but at the same time, she knew that she could never see them again. She begun her new life on her own, just barely making it as a cook in a small restaurant. Classification: Nature's Girl Skills: [b][i]Very Good Chef[/i][/b] : Nanako knows how to cook any kind of vegetarian meals very well. She also knows how to cook some meat based meals, to her pure disliking. [b][i]Herbalist[/i][/b] : She knows her way around different herbs and also how to grow most of them well. Toroto also helps her a bit with that, due to the fact he spent most of his life around plants. [b][i]Nature Dictionary[/i][/b]: She knows her way around the different plants, be it fruits, herbs or vegetables. If its a plant, then she either knows it by heart or can look it up in her little notebook of Green Knowledge. Techniques: [i]Toroto Distraction![/i] : If she gets into trouble with someone she doesn't know yet, she has Toroto speak to the person. This has extremely high chances of success in the first attempt, but afterwards, it has fairly low chances. [i]Attack of the Frying Pan![/i] : She takes a frying pan and chases the person around until she manages to hit them. Yes, thats it. Equipment: ~ Frying Pans - She has 2 of em, one which she carries in her bag, and the other which is larger and stays on board the ship at all times. ~ Notebooks of Green Knowledge - A few small notebooks, where Nanako always keeps track of all the plants she encounters. She has, in fact, three of those, and she also has copies of each one that remain on board the ship at all times. ~ Toroto the Chameleon - Not really an Equiqment, but a talkative pet. Also helps keep away any kind of bug that might appear around the ship. Position: Chef / Herbalist Theme Song: [youtube]p79JYE2jkzw[/youtube] [/center] [/hider]