[img=http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m64wbdDwbI1ru2xggo1_500.gif] [b]Allison Fuller[/b] Allison is a goal-oriented individual who grew up seeing what hard work and academics could accomplish. The only child of a well respected and successful trial lawyer and a homemaker, Allison grew up admiring her father and his work. She grew up on the east coast and was expected to attend Harvard in order to one day join the family firm, but life had other ideas for her. Instead, Allison was interested in science and medicine and applied herself to the lofty and time-consuming goal of becoming a trauma surgeon. She wanted to help people, and save lives in real time while thriving on the high pressure of the job. While attending medical school at Harvard, Allison met and fell in love with an economics major named Jack. For four years, they were inseparable and had every intention to marry after graduation. Things started to fall apart during her senior year when Allison became incredibly busy, more caught up in her work, and Jack decided that he couldn't spend his life with someone who would choose their career over love. Allison was devastated, but picked herself up and carried on the best she could. After all, she had a residency to start. Now entering her late twenties, Allison opted for a change in scenery, choosing to do her residency in Portland. She figured it was far enough away to start over, and a new chapter of her life called for a big change. Allison is looking forward to a new city, full of new people and surrounded by the verdant landscape of the pacific northwest. Now, all she has to do is get there.