[b]Name:[/b]Karl Omi-Ren [b]Age:[/b]27 [b]Species:[/b]Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Image][img]http://m.artician.com/pu/MNU46FNM4SEJFOZYMMDNWLQCLSGCMLM5.preview.jpeg[/img][/hider] [b]Force Abilities:[/b] -Telekenesis -Mind Trick -Force Illusion -Battle Meditation [b]Lightsaber Forms:[/b] -Shii Cho -Soresu [b]Non-Force related Skills:[/b]Leader Reasonable pilot [b]Weapons:[/b]Blue bladed Lightsaber [b]History/Example Post:[/b]Karl sighed as he stood up from his meditative studies. Something he had to do regularly as he was one of the few people in the order who could create such elaborate illusions due to years spent in training devoting himself to such skills. Mara Jade herself had taught him before her death and from there he had moved onward and upward. He walked out of his room nodding at several of the Jedi passing him as he walked towards the council chambers. They had requested to see him a day ago at this time, a pre-planned meeting was never good, it meant that something was going on. He pressed the buzzer on the door and waited for it to slide open, as it did he walked into the room and bowed his head at the council. "Masters." It was Saba Sebatyne who spoke, Jedi Grandmaster. "This one has a request for you." He bowed again. "I would be honoured Master." Jaina Solo-Fel spoke up. The last of the Skywalker Legacy still on the council. he knew her cousin Ben and had trained with him several times. "Don't agree without knowing what it is Karl." He nodded his head slightly. "This one requires you to take a team to a new world. Originally Master Beitan was meant to take the team however we have new duties for her. You will be taking Jedi Knight Kahel with you.""I accept your mission Grandmaster.""This one received intelligence that it may be home to the Lost Tribe." This confused him, why just send two knights, not a master. Clighal spoke up. "The reason you are going alone is it isn't a very reliable source.""Understandable.""You have a mission to prepare for." He bowed again. "Thankyou Masters." With that he turned and left the room.