[B][U]Basic Information[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Riley Rebekah Rhode [B]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/B] Interface [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Height:[/B] 5'7" [B]Weight:[/B] 150 lbs [B]Status:[/B] New Student [B][U]Appearance[/B][/U] [B]Hair Color:[/B] Black [B]Eye Color:[/B] Green [B]Ethnicity:[/B] Irish [B]Physical Appearance:[/B] She has straight, shoulder-length, black hair with bangs that hang on either side of her face with red highlights streaking down the sides. She has a soft looking face with round features, but does not end up looking like a ball. Her cheeks are puffy, coated with a sea of freckles, and she has full lips colored a striking scarlet with a ring through her upper lip. She isn't particularly tall, but she has a very 'sexy' body with a belly ring. She isn't visibly muscular, but she has almost no visible body fat. She is very flexible and is overall built like a cheerleader. Her skin has a complexion that overall lands between wet sand and shining gold. [B]Attire:[/B] She often wears black leggings and a plaid miniskirt. On her top she may wear a spaghetti-strap top or a blouse. In general she sticks to a color scheme of black with alternating green, red, or yellow. She also wears a plaid cap with a white ball of fuzz on top when she feels like it. [B][U]Personality[/B][/U] [B]Outward & Innate Personality:[/B] Riley is a fun-loving girl to her core. She doesn't enjoy working other people up or stepping on any toes, but if she does she is unapologetic. She is willing to break any rules that seem in the way of her fun or if she just doesn't see a point to them. She is brutally honest and doesn't pretend that she follows the rules, even to the people directly responsible for a reprimand. She finds pleasure in being challenged, and while she doesn't have a superiority complex, she does her best in any competition. She is sensitive to the needs of others and quite kind, offering whatever help she can give. She is straight and uninterested in any romantic relationships with girls, though she has no problem with lesbians or bisexuals as individuals. She isn't shallow and prefers to chat with people individually rather than speak loudly in a group setting. She isn't shy or reserved, and speaks her opinion loudly when she feels itis necessary. [B]Hobbies/Interests:[/B] She enjoys talking with friends and doing one on one activities. She likes to paint and draw, read books, play games, watch television, or play sports. [B]Skills/Talents:[/B] She can down a mug of beer like a champ and handle more whiskey than the average boy her age could, thanks to a lot of practice under the tutelage of her father. She has been taught to tap dance and play the bagpipes. [B]Prized Possession:[/B] Nut'n n' particular [B]Quote(s):[/B] [I]"Ye look a bit dawn. How 'bout we have a sip n' ya can tell me all a'boot yer troubles."[/I] [B]Family:[/B] [INDENT]Arnold Rhode - Father - Deceased Rebekah Rhode - Mother - Bar Tender[/INDENT] [B][U]Relationships[/B][/U] None thus far [B][U]Abilities[/B][/U] [B]Power Class:[/B] Other 7 [B]Power:[/B] Electronic Communication & Programming Absorption [INDENT][B]Technomancy:[/B] She can project her will onto computers and force machines to do her bidding. Whether it be starting a car and forcing it to drive, or causing a computer to do a Google Search, even manning a turret without touching it if there is a low enough level of security. [B]Word Processing:[/B] She can project her thoughts onto any nearby computer as if she'd typed them out on a keyboard. If she has any songs memorized or wants to share a memory, she can also display those on nearby computers.[/INDENT] [I]Developmental opportunities include:[/I] [INDENT][B]Database Download:[/B] The ability to store every bit of information from a particular computer in her head. This would allow allow her to see everything from someone's absolute Internet History to Every Word Ever Typed to Bionicle Models to Criminal Records to Photos from Instagram. Even the times you've logged in or any programs you've looked at would be included in the knowledge she'd gain. [B]Hacking:[/B] She will eventually be able to bypass any firewall, password protection, or break any encryption by exerting sufficient mental concentration. [B]Remote Internet Access:[/B] She would be able to browse the Internet with no electronic assistance and without connecting to a wifi network. She would be able to access anybpage, unless normally would require a password, and she has to know what to look for. She would not be able to view previous versions of the page or pages no longer in existence.[/INDENT] [B]Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks:[/B] [B][U]Other:[/B][/U]