[hider=September Zedler][IMG]https://danbooru.donmai.us/data/f7203dae031485e8ceca0cd9ffccb4b9.jpg[/IMG] [b]Name:[/b] September Zedler [b]Nickname:[/b] [i]The Lionheart[/i] [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Age Appearance:[/b] Early twenties [b]Personality:[/b] September can be described as charming and amiable with a dash of sarcasm. He has a strong personality and seldom loses control of his emotions. He has an easygoing sense of humour, often cracking jokes whenever the mood gets too tense. Despite his rather large stature, his personality meant strangers were seldom intimidated. All in all, September gives of the disposition of a capable elder brother. However this man isn't without his faults, he takes life seriously, perhaps a bit too seriously according to some. September's eyes are filled with ambition. Motivated by a relentless drive, he has been steadily making his way towards his ultimate goal; to take out a specific Aevum Hunter. Though most of his peers are unaware of this, they are still able to sense Steptember dedication towards whatever cause he was aiming for. This fundamental difference separates him from the crowd, it often creates a wall between him and others despite his friendly disposition. [b]Backstory: [/b]Soon after being born into the recluse islets of Aeria, September was subjected to a gruesome sequence of events. The reason his parents had settled down in such a place was to seek refuge from the people indigenous to these tiny islands. His mother was connected to an Aevum. Though she possessed great power, she refused to fight against the Crucibellia Empire, her family was far more important. However, after several short years of peace, they were eventually discovered by the Aevum Hunters. The natives were all but slaughtered and his mother was barely able to fend off the hunters as they were on the run once again. Though she was strong, the Aevum Hunters outnumbered her and had comparable strength. They could never settle down longer than a few months before they were discovered again. Eventually life on the edge caused September's father to fall into depravity. Paranoia, hunger and fear had pushed his mind past the breaking point. He eventually sold out his wife and child in exchange for having his life spared. However, the Crucibellia Empire didn't keep their end of the bargain. Though she managed to escape with September yet again, being betrayed and seeing her love killed before her eyes eventually took its toll on Alexendra. Dark thoughts crept into her mind and her connection with her Aevum kept weakening. Without the power of an Aevum, Alexendra was found and killed but not before she ensured the safety of her beloved child. Fast forward 10 years later, at the age of 19, September finally began his career of becoming a Rift Hunter. It would provide him with the necessary skills for his revenge. Due to his dedication, it only took a 4 years for him to becoming prominently known as 'The Lionheart'. Connections, money, skills; he acquired all of these rapidly. However, a dangerous encounter with powerful rift beasts left his legs mauled. That was 2 years ago. Now, September is midway though his rehabilitation in the town of Kuiper. He had decided to pay a visit to Kukrow for celebratory reasons but that was when... [b]Classification:[/b] Ex-Rift Hunter [b]Skills:[/b] -Literacy -Navigation -Cooking -Combat (Hand-to-hand and ranged arms) -Mechanic -Drawing [b]Techniques:[/b] -in development- [b]Equipment:[/b] -in development- [b]Position:[/b] -in development- [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-kigDBm3_Y]"Let's get wild."[/url][/hider] A work in progress. To clarify some stuff, September isn't OP or anything. He might possess a wide array of skills but the dude's pretty much crippled. He can walk for short periods of time but rigorous movement is pretty much a no-no. I also hope the Aevum parent thing wasn't overstepping any boundaries, September himself doesn't possess it. If they are any problems I can amend him. My brain's currently fizzing out and I need to study for tomorrows exam >_>.