-Aimi- With trembling hands the young hellhound hesitated as she unlocked the door, knowing that once she did Terra would finally get to her, get to her and say goodbye. “You don’t want to hurt me and I get that, if anyone dies around me chances are you might be the next one should our child find the death to be in his or her interest to save, so yes you running away from me is probably the safest. And yet, and yet….” Aimi refused to look at the love of her life; instead she glued her eyes to the far end of the wall: her gaze never faltering. If she acknowledged him she’d cry, making this even worse. “I think you’re forgetting the most important part here, yes your past is terrifying but newsflash so is mine. Besides I know how to take a beating, remember? You harm me even further by leaving me; if you felt even a fraction like this when I left you I promise you I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I truly am sorry, now I beg you from the bottom of my heart, beat me, hurt me, torture me, mentally abuse me all you’d like but please don’t leave me. You’re all that I have and I love you. Terra please don’t leave me, don’t abandon…. whatever it is we have, I can’t do this without you. Even with a new `father’.” -Yuu- Vampires or purebloods were essentially all the same, roaming the land in search for innocents to slaughters, seeking nothing but a good lay and the rich essence that coursed through their small and fragile bodies and had anyone asked Yuu would firmly point out that cruelty was second nature not an option. Each and every one of these filthy beings certainly deserved to be beheaded and yet there were those amongst them whom fought their very own nature, fought the urge to find new ways to shed blood, new ways to bathe in a mortals fear. Yet their kin was blessed with what the vermin called mortals had not, respect. Shaking off the nagging feeling of guilt the pureblood lay his eyes on a potential victim, though not for slaughter the elder just couldn’t help but let his mind wander to one of his recent slaughters. His mutilated remains had been lying unconsciously in the middle of the floor, barely alive he clasped to the remaining life that was so hurriedly ebbing away. He had definitely been breathing, although a miracle had been needed and most likely a transfusion, although delightful it hadn’t been intentional. The demon had simply snuck up on him and had the pureblood known the male was deaf he certainly wouldn’t have, stupid as he was he had attempted to save him even with the knowledge of how it could finally be his downfall. The neck was cut through the skin and nearly down to the vertebrae; if he had continued a second longer his imminent death would have been unavoidable. “Y-Yuu?” Feeling heated flesh upon his own Yuu looked down to see a pale hand neatly wrapped around his wrist, a pair of baby blues frantically seeking his own. “Um… Do-Do you want to dance? I know you probably don’t want to seeing as you’re….. umm, well, umm you but I figured I had to ask. M-Maybe, just maybe you could. I would totally offer something in return, you know….”The rambling teen had barely managed to capture the elder’s attention which was still on Ange. Their grace and flawless beauty was mesmerizing to mortals as well as certain individuals, at times bordering on insanity but even Kai would soon realize that finding a willing victim was hardly as difficult as stopping yourself. “I don’t give a rats ass about your need for social approval and finding a hot and quite frankly unobtainable guy to accept you so you could feel better about yourself. Truth is if you’re a looser amongst society, you’ll still remain a looser even if I accept you. So instead wander about, stop feeling sorry for yourself or better yet stand up for what you believe in. If you let people walk all over you, you deserve it now piss off.” Turning his back to the now teary eyed teen Yuu wandered off, in search for something better to do. His patience had run out, he was sick of pretending to be something he was not and last but not least his insatiable thirst was making him uncomfortable. Little did it help that his precious second-gen now had the luxury of a warm body. “I better not let him wander to himself for too long…” Mumbling to himself the pureblood hid within the shadows as he stalked his newborn. -Yuji- “I-I know, but I didn’t think you’d come. Besides… I’m n-not the best of dates. I-I haven’t been on any dates before. Let alone with someone so beautiful and experienced as y-you.” The youngsters cheeks flared a rosy pink as he finally found the courage to be blunt with the girl, he had never had the luxury of crushes and with each glance he cast the male found himself wanting just a little bit more, soon he’d dare to ask. ((Sorry it’s both rushed and sucks…. I have been running from office to office getting the paperwork for my surgery and other chores))