[center]Alicia Le'roux-The Amazon Mission[/center] --- Ever since the group had entered the Amazon’s forest, Alicia had felt a certain mysticism overcome her. The heat, the shade, the very thickness of the air: all of it felt so radically different from the Liverian land she called home. The two were incompatible, and something about the Amazonian homeland had Alicia feeling...predatory. Of course, the fact that the small pack of Queen’s blades was being led by the Ethlinn was no small boon, seeing her was still eliciting the same excitement as when the vampire first spotted her from the party. Something inexplicable and internal that was unlike anything she’d experienced before: an excitement that enticed not only her vampiric side, as she had first thought, but even that oh-so human curiosity that drove Alicia. Still, the ride proved pleasant for the Vampire, and she even took a few moments to examine the work Jacque had done polishing her swords: The glint they gave in the humidity was fantastic, astonishing, even. When the party eventually stopped in one of the villages, Alicia was left mildly confused. Compared to Arien village, the place left a lot to be desired, and yet it still had a sort of quaint charm to it. The group followed Ethlinn and the Renaltan Queen into a small hut, where they met an elderly-looking woman. Soon enough, Ethlinn had finished asking her questions, and Alicia was hit by the fact that apparently, an Amazonian could consider themselves lucky if they reached the age of forty five. The notion seemed ridiculous to her! Even without vampirism, Alicia herself had been alive for over three decades, and that meant that Ethlinn couldn’t have more than twenty years life expectancy remaining. The thought shook her more than would be considered decent, if there were mind readers amongst them. While Ethlinn did her rounds, Alicia took a moment to enjoy the attention given to her by the princess, a slight smile parting her lips when attention was paid to her. She didn’t miss the fact that everyone seemed to earn a probing glance from the beautiful princess, nor did she miss how much more attention Queen Alex was getting. The fact annoyed her greatly, and she had to try her damndest not to pout in annoyance, even if her previous smile shifted back into a flat, emotionless expression. It was of course natural for Alex to be the desirable one: She had power, she was a living embodiment of savagery and she was beautiful to boot. Never the less, Alicia felt a growing jealousy in her. It wasn’t a fair jealousy, or a civil one. It was jealousy because she was jealous, damnit. She felt something, wasn’t that the point the amazonian had stressed to her in the halls? Yet Alicia held back any contemptuous pride, or ugly jealousy. She thought on what Hanus would have said, if she knew the brewing feelings. The prickly bastard would sure get kicks out of the information, to be sure. That fact alone was enough of a cold shower to put the thoughts to bed: and she focused on the information she learned about the drake: none of which was good. By the sounds of it, Alicia was going to be at a considerable disadvantage against the beast. Her Rapier would do little against a heavily armoured beast, and even if she managed to get at the throat: thrusts would be inferior in every way to a good, solid slash. She may have been more adept with her rapier, but she was hardly a one trick pony. She would simply have to make arrangements with the Princess. She opened her mouth to speak, but was silenced by the next issue. The information about the duelling tournament was one that suddenly got her eyes wide and her lips curled back into a smile. This, this was something she could do. One-on-one combat, it was perfect for her. She could root out the issue, impressing Alex and making up for her dismal performance at the Village, and she could impress the princess by showing off her talents. It was perfect! And then Naream spoke out his alternate strategy. He heard the proposed change of plans and felt like strangling the man: even if he meant well. His good intentions would ruin everything! She was silently glad that both Alex and Ethlinn shot down his intentions, but as he finished speaking, she realised with a mix of horror and confusion that she was rooting for the illogical plan. What the hell was wrong with her? Naream was correct: testing each being with magic was almost certainly more efficient and much safer, but some part of her didn’t want safety, or efficiency...It wanted to fight, and to win, and to prove herself. With Naream finished speaking, Alicia stepped forward to speak. She didn’t have any grand alternate plans, like Naream, though. “I will be glad to represent the Queen’s blades in the duels. Fighting some of the finest Amazon warriors will be an honour and a test I look forward to.” She glanced at Ethlinn, tempted to add more, but choosing to stick to what she should be speaking about. “I do have a request of the Amazon people though.” She drew her rapier, planting the tip of the weapon against the floor. “My weapon won’t be much use against a drake, so may I requisition a weapon? A spear, would perhaps be ideal. It would be appreciated if I could get the weapon prior to the duels: might be useful to have a longer reaching weapon if the demon's threat is poison.”