Alianor tried not to look more and more worried as Ronan continued to speak, face paling slightly. Truthfully she had really hoped that these bandits would be amateurs, the kind who were threatening to travellers but easy to take out. She was beginning to think more and more about the possibility that they may not find her. What would happen then? She only hoped they went for a ransom. If she could convince them her father would pay a decent ransom fee (something she wasn't so sure on, she would have been more certain if her husband was still alive) then they would go down that route. Then, after all that was done, she would be able to inform her father of where these bandits were. Then they would be executed. She looked slightly confused as the leader got out a knife, fear suddenly registering in her eyes as he grabbed her and thrust the knife towards her. [b]"Do you know what this dress was made of!"[/b] Her annoyed cry was loud, increased in volume due to the fear that the knife had actually been aimed at her heart. Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself. [b]"I doubt you will not cover them well enough."[/b] Though she tried to remain confident, it was obvious that she was more shaken. The journey was the worst thing Alianor had ever experienced, apart from the events earlier in the day and watching her husband as he died. As a noble she had never had to do any form of work in her life or really any kind of exertion. She spent most of the time getting hit by hanging vines, trying not to trip over her dress which she ended up having to hold up off the ground. There were a few times she almost ended up falling flat on her face. While her plan had been to try and remember her route that soon left her mind as she concentrated on walking without falling or getting hit by something. Of course it wasn't even in her mind as soon as they encountered the massive spiders. She had never seen something so terrifying in her life. Small spiders were bad enough, never mind ones the size of small dogs! Her air of confidence was quickly crumbling as they made the journey towards their camp. By the time they arrived Alianor was absolutely exhausted, and really wanted nothing more than to collapse and sleep. Of course a bath would be nice but she doubted that would be on offer here. The wall that surrounded the camp was impressive enough, and large. Enough to warn people away from the area. Of course it wouldn't put off a proper group of warriors, or heroes. The inside itself... Alianor's disgust at the 'buildings' was evident as soon as she entered and looked around. They couldn't really be called buildings. They were nothing of the sort. She was sure most of them would be easily destroyed. And they would be cold. She did not want to sleep here. On top of all of this she doubted that there was any privacy. Her thoughts soon turned from this as she concentrated on getting her breath by while listening to what Ronan said. She was out of breath, aching all over and her dress was completely ruined. She was glad she had dressed for travelling, as even though the dress was not made for these kinds of situations it was far better than most of the ones she normally wore. She bit her lip and tried not to gag as she began to get some of what Ronan was talking about. She didn't even want to think about that... yes, she was definitely going to try and convince them that a ransom was the best way to go. Standing up straight again, dress now far from clean and her long hair matted from being constantly caught in things during the journey, Alianor once again adopted a proud and almost snobbish demeanour. [b]"Is this it? I had though it would be more impressive. After all if you are as good bandits as you make yourselves out to be then you must have more than enough gold in jewellery to make proper buildings,"[/b] she scoffed, tilting her head. [b]"Of course I shouldn't have expected any more, people like you often live in such... common establishments."[/b]