Faris shrugged a little when Jessica mentioned Eli, having no idea who Eli was. Oh wait it was probably the ‘Aphrodite kid’ Mr. D spoke of about being so sneaky. Sounded like someone she would get along with. She was slightly taken aback with the other girl told her she wasn’t a brat, raising an eyebrow and not sure how to react or feel as she rambled on about Faris being beautiful and proud of her before kissing her. Faris looked weirded out surely as Jessica smiled and walked away, leaving the Ares girl wondering what the heck had just happened. [b]”Not even my mom ever said those things,”[/b]Faris mumbled out loud, confused, and shaking her head slightly. The words were comforting and lovely to hear but she had no idea how to feel about affection. It wasn’t like she had been shown much in her life. So, Faris tried to push it to the side of her mind, clearing her throat and tucking a few stray strands of her hair back behind her ear. [i]Drinks, yes, let’s have drinks[/i] she thought to herself before blowing a good amount of air from her lungs through her lips heavily. She reached over, grabbing a cup and filling it. She drank deeply, almost finishing half a glass in one gulp. She was known back home for being able to hold her liquor well, although she did get a temper when drunk. Only if someone was an ass though. For the most part she was a happier, nicer version of her normal self until someone ticked her off, and then all she wanted to do was fight. It didn’t take long before Faris had downed a couple more glasses within an hour, and was now just acting buzzed, laughing too much, cheeks rosy, and a smile unable to be moved from her face. She was chatting with some of the new campers like herself, telling them stories of her debauchery from back home. Stolen merchandise, fights she’d won, street races in the middle of nowhere before outrunning the police. She loved how they ate it up, but she was wanting a change in scenery. She waved bye to them before moving out to the small sea of bodies now dancing and moving between them, having fun and shouting for someone to start a fire while giggling, just to break the one rule she’d been told not to do. It was just too tempting for her.