[u]Kay[/u] During Ay’mara’s and Morneau’s retreat back to Miller and herself, Kay had darted around the corner in brief attempts to spot the sniper’s position. At least gather a better sense of his direction then earlier. Kay managed that much before she jerked back, a stray bullet split the brick wall corner and caused her to sharply breathe. That was closer than she had expected it to be. Her heart was still pounding when Ay’mara spoke then mentioned a fact Kay already knew. She had already checked her ammo reserves, a habit, and reached for her grenade when Miller suggested the Langford send out a F-302 to eliminate the sniper. To her, it was an over kill yet there was little way they were likely to make it to the door otherwise. She hated using up resources as plentiful as they might’ve been, namely when she rather rely on her team’s strength. Maybe it something she had learned in Israel, where resources weren’t as easily accessed and the only reliable strength was yourself, those you leaned on and most importantly, God. Despite her mind ticking away for another option, her fingers tight around the grenade in thought, something new had already made the decision for her: the sounds of an Al’kesh. It was loud and distracting, the sound close yet she couldn’t spot any signs of it. Like an invisible demon it roared deep in her ears, a distraction until Miller’s words. “Whatever they are doing, I’m sure it’s nothing good.” Kay said her lips turned into a frown as she reached for her radio. “Langford, come in. We’ve got something that sounds like Al’kesh activity going on near our location. However, we can’t make a visual confirmation. In addition, Miller believes any individual life around our location is likely to be our sniper and I’m inclined to agree. So, Sir, requesting a F-302 assistance to say hello to our current nuisance.” While waiting on a reply or the sounds of a F-302 overhead, Kay turned to a on standby Ay’mara. “Ay’mara, tell me immediately if your condition with your leg changes. You might fight until your last breath and against the pain, but you’ll hurt us worse if I must worry you about not being practical with me. In the long run, you’re a useful warrior and one I rather not lose over something so minor.” Kay warned, unsure if Ay’mara was like Rea’c and rather not leave the matter to risk. “Off record, Miller. I hope you’re right about there being one sniper and the others aren’t just sitting in wait.” Once the F-302 was overhead, Kay gave the command, “Ay’mara, blast the door now. Everyone move, now.” All the while in the back of her mind, Kay was trying to ignore something buzzing in her head. Something she hadn’t noticed among the first shot, the need to protect her team and the mission’s goal over took its place. A key thing she should’ve seen before now. Was the first sniper’s shot a lucky one? Her eyes instinctively, on thinking about it, darted down towards Ay’mara’s wound and find it bothered her that among all those peppered shoots, each dangerously close, not a single had managed to cause farther damage. She noticed the shot hadn’t done much more then shot right through the meat and just wounded the Jaffa. Was it just an odd and fortunate thing to count her lucky stars on or something else at work? Kay found a dark, twisting sensation curl her stomach into knots. Something didn’t add up right but not even Kay could understand what it added to, she pushed the thought away. The mission was more important and she needed to focus.