Gaspard stood slumped sideways against a pillar, a near-empty cup of rum and coke clutched in his left hand. He supposed that was one of the good things about this place; the underage drinking. After all, the rules just didn't apply to demigods. From his vantage point, he enjoyed a perfect view of the general vicinity. The sound of campers chatting amongst themselves filled the air, and the sky was now completely darkened. Strangely though, whenever anyone passed him by, they seemed to give him a wide berth. No snickers of mockery were heard, however, and chatter only resumed once Gaspard was out of earshot. Subconsciously or not, he couldn't say, but he couldn't deny it was pretty damn sweet. All this time, not one of his fellow campers nodded, smiled, or ventured so much as an innocuous how’s tricks, as if hesitant to risk rousing the ire of the son of Hecate. As he drained the last of the Cuba Libre, Gaspard felt a pleasant buzz at the back of his brain. Of course, he was nowhere near drunk yet, but he'd wager that four more of those would probably do it. Deciding that he might as well have some fun now that he was here, he began to wander towards where most of the action was. Gaspard managed to snatch up another drink on the way there, downing a third of it before he even got to his destination. It was only then he heard a single voice resonate above the rest. He couldn't quite catch what the voice was going on about; something about starting a fire? He didn't trust his ears, but if that was true, tonight was certainly going to be interesting. Maybe one of the Hephaestus kids could do the honours. But then again, they were always such a bunch of goody two-shoes. Gaspard had half a mind to start it himself, but for now, he was determined to locate the source of the voice. Which was something easier said than done, as navigating through a large crowd without spilling your drink was no easy feat. He managed, though, weaving through the sea of bodies with minimal damage sustained from flying elbows. Once he found the voice's source, Gaspard crooked an eyebrow. He vaguely recalled seeing the girl from earlier that day, when Erin was giving the group of newbies a tour around camp. She was one of the Ares kids, if he remembered correctly. (Speaking of which, they were getting way too many of those around here.) Gaspard couldn't say he was surprised, though. Of course one of the Ares kids would want to set something on fire. The girl seemed more than a little tipsy at the moment, however, and she sure as hell wasn't in the right state of mind to light the entire place on fire. "Faris, right?" Gaspard spoke up suddenly once he was close enough, taking another sip of his drink. He wasn't exactly going to intervene, no. This night could use a lot more than just drunken dancing, after all, and a bonfire might be just what this place needed. "What was that about a fire?"