Connor liked party's, and people, and any excuse to get out of the Hermes Cabin was bound to be good enough for him. While he enjoyed the company of his sibilings, there was only so much of the cramped conditions any individual could bear before going utterly insane. He had decided on a simple white v-neck shirt with a faded grey hoodie and black denim jeans a few sizes too big. He rarely looked well dressed, most of his clothes seemed to be permanently wrinkled, and overly worn, but he liked to think that maybe that was a part of his charm. He had buckled the belt with Logos on, but at the last second, decided that while he didn't quite want to leave the gift from his father with his thieving little siblings, he didn't especially want to take it to a party either. He slid the sword quietly under his mattress when he was sure no one was watching, then slipped out the front door. When he arrived at where the party was being held the first thing he noticed was a girl, a new Ares kid if he remembered right, and one who had picked quite a few fights to start within a short period, was shouting something about a fire, which was a pretty bad idea when you had a couple of Hephaestus kids around with some liquor in their systems. Connor realized it was about to really escalate when he saw Gaspard saunter up to the new girl. "Maybe not the best idea in the world." Connor spoke to himself quietly. Hecate was the goddess of magic, and if anyone other than Hephaestus kids were going to light the place up, or burn it down, it would be a camper capable of using magic, and while Connor was all for rambunctious pranks and partying, burning down part of the camp was sure to open a whole can of worms that was totally unnecessary. He headed over, determined to try and avoid disaster. "Gaspard, maybe not the best idea to encourage the reckless behaviors of new campers?" Connor asked smiling widely. "We wouldn't want the party to get shut down, right as it was getting fun."