Stern paused when the medic gave his answer to the year. 1972? Impossible! That was near the beginning of recorded history, from before the dark age of technology! He was about to give answer to this, when he heard a voice. Scans indicated into was projected by some sort of vox communication. As the walls began to change, Stern loudly exclaimed "What witchcraft is this?!" When the spider thing appeared and changed into the many armed behemoth, there was only one thing Stern knew it could be; a daemonic servant of the chaos god, Tzeentch. He armed himself, and braced for combat with the thing, before it vanished and the room shifted. When the floor finally settled, some kind of servitor floated up from the floor and answered his question of the year. Impossible! M600? The gods of chaos had survived so long?! No, it must be a trick of M'Kachen. Suddenly, another figure appeared out of nowhere from the shadows. Stern determined that the figure was some sort of man, dressed as a xenos, who claimed to be from M2. Stern turned to the two of them, awestruck. "Humans from the age of terra." he said awestruck. They even referred to holy terra by its ancient title of Earth. If this was a Tzeentchian trick, it was quite convincing. "Then you must be my long lost ancestors then. You have my pardons. Since you appear to use Gregorian dating, I am from the year 40999, the cusp of the 42nd millennium." Turning to the whole group, he declared, "Very well then. Humans, Xenos, it appears we are at an impasse here. I will work to help return us to our homes. For now. Let us push on."