[center]Rust - Amazon Mission ---[/center] Going for a ride was a pleasant way to spent a few hours of the day, if partially because he knew how to ride, which had surprised him at first, a few weeks ago. Now it seemed like the instinctive, conditioned actions of a well ranked man of arms, riding the horse with ease, but not quite the fluid, born-in-the-saddle, intuition of a man of cavalry. As the team moved through the Imperium lands and into the jungle of the Amazons, Rust's head was slowly swiveling, the splinted chain of his armour quietly shuffling with his movements as he took in the landscape and geographical cues. The armour he wore was the same as that which he wore at the ball, the plate armour he had requested, was still being made to his dimensions, which was causing some difficulty for the armourers, as he was far from what they were used to. But even so, stuffed with two sets of padding, of the gambeson and arming doublet, with the chain over top, Rust seemed quite comfortable in the heat of day, perhaps because he didn't notice it. The village was quite different than what he was used to however, built into the forest, in harmony with it, rather than a clearing made and houses constructed. The people were rather different in their clothing, lacking the modesty of where he had so far been. It wasn't a total shock, as he had heard several rumours passed on to him since the missions had come, yet still, it was different. Quite different. Dismounting before the tree, he tied off the horse, not knowing its training, before following the royalty inside, though he elected to leave his spear outside for now. He listened to the telling of the drake's attributes and tactics used intently, a debriefing was relaxing in a way. However the lack of clarification on one thing troubled him slightly, as he adjusted his shield for the moment, he held it in mind. The vines were an interesting addition, a helpful tool in subduing a beast of any size, but especially something of this apparent grandness. As the topic shifted to the succubi, and the plan of duels to flush it out, he considered this. If it sought to poison them, he would only be there for appearance, as it wouldn't waste its time on something with no flesh to harm. But dueling the Amazons themselves had an appeal, to test himself against other men and women of combat, to see how his skills compared to theirs, a worthy, honorable fight. Yes again however, something caught his attention of what Ethlinn said, and as he opened his jaw to speak, he missed the moment to the faster acting Naream. His listened and waited, and while his new acquaintance's ideas had a bit of merit, they also seemed to be missing one of the crucial details. Then, as Alicia offered her approval of the duels, he joined in after her, stepping forward with his left hand on the mount of his blade's scabbard, while bowing slightly, "It would be an honour to test my skills against those of the Amazon warriors. Straightening, he continued, "However, I have two questions about this mission. The first being that you say this Drake we are to hunt is malformed, I only ask as it seems this aberrant mutation seems to have made this beast tougher than you are accustomed to. Also, if we slay this demon and it returns to the Nine Hells, it returns with information it will have gained, potentially benefiting the efforts of their future agents against us. Like letting a spy return to the enemy. Is it feasible to capture the demon, and hold it prisoner?"