#4 Wade heard a man yell from outside for him to come out with his hands up. His reaction was to simply raise both hands up, and only two fingers out of ten reached towards the sky. "Whatever. We're all looking for some good shit. I'm not stepping out there, and I don't give an honest shit if you come inside this gas station. It's yours as much as it is mine." He yelled back out. "Balls to it, if I like you, I might even share a pinch of dip with you, so fuck all and come on in." He continued. "And lastly, if there's any more dip lying around, it's MINE." He was having a little trouble talking, as he was containing the dip in his lower lip. Wade spat on the floor and waited with his hands in the air and back turned. "You can see my hands and that I'm not threatening you, but I'm not stepping outside." He had good reason not to. There was a fishing wire that crossed the opening of the doorway. It was a makeshift trap that Wade always laid out before entering a building. It would simply deter someone a little on the way in, before they hit the Christmas tree ornaments, old motor oil, the legos, and the jingle bells. It was a quick trap he laid out, before thoroughly scavenging a building(as he would certainly be distracted by his work). The old man would, no doubt, see the trap before coming in, as it was something more to detect the presence of ghouls. If he wanted to trap living humans, he would have shrink wrapped the doorway. Wade had no intention of leaving the building, as it was a bit safer than being outside. The area appeared to be ghoul free, but that could change, after a few gunshots. God knows what could bring in a few gunshots. "What do you say, sir?" He asked.