Seraphina spun in surprise, her dress rustling softly around her until it settled back into the dark bell shape that continued to swing lightly. She watched him cautiously as he extricated himself from the hay and made his way towards her. His voice was soft and lilting as he spoke of why he was here and of the party that continued behind them. Then he began asking after the singer he had just heard from the hall and how he had appreciated the song. As always when she was surprised her face became neutral mask and only the rapid flicking of her eyes over his countenance gave away her unease. What game was this, the way he spoke to her, it was pleasant polite conversation and he was acting like he had not been expecting her at all. Violet eyes raking over his aspect she found it as he had been before, there was no sign of a mask but still this was the same man she had been speaking to not half hour previous and yet he greeted her with pleasant surprise. Why was he treating her like they had not met? However she was speaking to a man who had taken on the countenance of the cuckoo, the devil whose very nature was to trick and deceive, Seraphina was not to be wrong footed. As a dancer recovers when their partner changes the routine, so she adjusted to match this new pace with barely a moment’s hesitation. Her rigid posture once again unfroze and for the second time that night she morphed into the charming and easy persona, she was all smiles and confidence as she angled herself towards him. “Indeed such praise from a master of music, this song must have stirred something in you for I always find those who have talent with instrument or songs are the harshest of critics. Glad I am that you enjoyed my song.” Seraphina said in a breezy tone, watching him from beneath her lashes, all the while her hand continuously stroked her horse’s nose. She smiled as he looked suitably impressed and then seeming to notice the horse for the first time a low whistle escaped him as he gazed at the snow white steed. “A fine steed, your Majesty, a fine steed indeed! Were you planning a ride this evening, then? Not that it means ought to me one way or another, but tis a passing strange outfit that you would be riding out in if that’s your intention.” Seraphina arched a delicate eyebrow at this comment but said nothing of his instructions from before, if this was to be their game she had given her word that she would play it faithfully and since she had already tested the boundaries it was best just to go with it for now. “Ah dear minstrel I am built for flight, through the night sky or galloping across the ground there is no force on earth that can contain me. The heart of a bird cannot be tamed. No matter how high the walls and battlements I will not be imprisoned, no cage will bind me, not steel or stone nor this dress for I am the Swan Queen.” Drawing herself to her full height Seraphina gently shook her moonlight silver curls, wings quivering as though she was once again prepared to take flight and eyes bright with an intensity they did not normally possess. Chuckling much as the Cuckoo had, the young man strolled away towards the open doors of the stables to stare up at the sky. Hand upon hips, he sighed happily. “Too late for an evening star now, I think. There was one before the singing started, I think, but now there’s only the moon rising higher and higher into the sky. And it’s bright, too. Look at all the shadows upon the ground, like fingers reaching out into the light to snatch away all that is brightest and most precious.” Turning back to look at her over his shoulder, he raised another arched eyebrow. “But what of belief, your Majesty? What do you believe?” Watching him again with scrutinising eyes Seraphina walked with slow, graceful steps to stand beside him as she too gazed out into the moonlit night. For a moment she was still and quite, the question was a strange one, its implications were deep and the answer required some though. Then she spoke her voice soft. “The song and the moonlight speak a common message to us, shadow and light are two halves of the same coin, and you cannot have one without the other. And no matter how deep the darkness there is always a glimmer of light, of hope to guide us. That being said there is no true cause to fear the darkness, it is the quite, still time. Look again at those shadows, they do not creep to snatch and steal but they embrace the light, forever side by side in harmony.” And then she was quite as they looked out upon the landscape, the wide road leading away from the stables was completely bathed in silver moonlight and flanking it either side was two lines of trees each a vague shadowy form whose leaves fluttered in the breeze. “I do not see the terror and foulness of night as some men do, it is to me a comforting time, when the entire world is slightly blurred by moonlight and one can move unobtrusively from shadow to shadow. Even when the night is disturbed with purple clouds filled with thunder and lightning it still has a savage beauty. There is so much more to the night, when many different aspect of the world can be seen in the heavens, so unlike the day when the sun rules with an all encompassing light in which nothing else can shine in comparison and all is laid bare for the world to see, without compassion or mercy.” The last words were spoken with a trace of bitter resentment in her tone but she did not elaborate further. Again she was quite for a moment before speaking again her voice again returned to normal. “Not the answer you expected I doubt, but I am the black swan and darkness is in my nature.”