"I am so sorry to be impertinent. I'll not ask you any more questions. Good day to you, Lady Pyria." Mystique whispered in awe when another being came in. She took the papers and then gasped when she heard that the stables was burned down. She thought about what to do with Shadow as she slipped towards the back of the room where she could reorganize her papers and her mind. "Now what can I do with Shadow? I have no place to stable him or feeding him......" She sagged down against the wall and pulled her knees up to quietly think. She barely heard the other people who came inside and Mystique finally slipped outside. She slowly took off the saddle and reins off of Shadow. "Run along Shadow but stay close by so if I can figure out where to stable you, then I can find you easily. But for now I must take things upstairs to the dorm. " Mystique picked up the reins and wrapped them around her neck. The she picked up the saddle and headed to the dorm room where she was suppose to head to. The saddle was very heavy and Mystique was having a bit of trouble carrying it.