No. YOu are scrambling for a connection there that does not exist at all. The japanese console market is notuoriusly hard for non-japanese consoles to sell in. So hard a sell in fact, we had a entire course about it in game dev. "Foreign, internalized market climates; Japan" There is no connection. Drop that line of thought, it makes you look silly. Edit; PS4 sells well in japan. Becouse it is a japanese console with japanese developers working on game tailored for that very demographic. Xbox is a very "western" console. All its exclusives are the kind Japanese players generally don't care for. Your constant attempts to connect things into a wider conspiracy is silly at best and willfully ignorant at worst. Sensationalism is behind "death of gamers" trend right now, but this is not part of it. Kotaku is a japan-centric site. They followed something that really is of note if you have ANY interest in the whole Xbox vs PS4 console race. The "Death of gamers" is a spin on the whole "Gamers being angry" thing. Gamers as a demographic in itself is a buzzword by the marketing teams. It spawned such innane stuff as Hardcore vs Casual and you don't have to search much to find how badly people want to distinguish themselves as it, likely becouse they think it gives them some sort of status. And then you have the whole thing were people critize "Gamer Girls", calling them fakes and what not. Acting outrage that someone else attach Gamer to themselves in some sort of retarded sense of elitism and exclusivity. Gamer became a selling point ages ago. And now selfdescribed 'Journalists' are using it to garner views. Becouse all the selfproffessed 'Gamers' go "HEY. THAT*S ME. I'M NOT DYING" and click it to argue. It's super easy to understand if you have any sort of perspective beyond "Radicalized internet Feminism and lies are bad". Lies are bad, that is not exactly science. Crazy, untouchable idealists of any agenda is always bad as well. But what else is bad is that when we forego all sorts sense to start connecting irrelavant things together. People are stupid. People are vain. People have a incredibly exploitable mindset. Gaming culture is money, for critics and supporters alike.