[b]"This is the elimination process to see who's capable of using the 3DMG. You will be strapped onto these contraptions and be raised from the ground. Your job is to stay upright, got it? Step forward when your name is called,"[/b] announced one of the garrison members working there. Each officer in front of the training contraption called out a name. [b]"Isra Aceline! Jay Ahn! Noelle Ahn! Samuel Drake! Joseph Dumoulin!"[/b] Hearing his name being announced, Joseph stepped to the centre of the contraption. The man handed him the dangling strips like every officer there did to the other recruits. The boy quickly attached it to the side of his waist. Once everyone was ready, the man who'd made the first announcement nodded towards the instructors, who pulled on a rope slowly yet steadily raising them from the ground. Joseph relaxed his upper body and balanced his lower, floating steadily and somewhat easily. He didn't seem stressed or worried at all, not even focusing. He looked over to the others to see how they were doing.