[b]"It is good to know that you have at least some morals,"[/b] Alianor sniffed slightly, lips pursed into a thin line. It didn't make her any less worried, as there was always the possibility of death hanging over her head, but rather that than... anything else. There wouldn't be any pain after death. [b]"I apologise, I didn't expect someone of such literacy to turn to a life such as this."[/b] She shrugged slightly. [b]"Most petty criminals cannot read or write, but I guess I was wrong to assume the same of you."[/b] She listened to the poem with a slightly tilted head, a single eyebrow raised. It was curious that such a man would know that kind of poetry. There were few with an interest in poetry as it was, never mind that kind or common folk. [b]"Very impressive. There are few who can recite something like that."[/b] She spoke truthfully though it was not really meant as a compliment. Not entirely. [b]"I don't think I'm better than you."[/b] These word weren't said in a way that suggested she was dying that she thought so, more indicating that she knew it. And she did, well she was sure she did. Ronan was a criminal who stole for a living, killing without qualms and kidnapped noble ladies. She had never killed anyone and she had no plans to. She didn't even want to think of the possibility. If it was really necessary she would rather others did it for her. That was what men were for, after all. She stiffened slightly as Ronan went on to suggest things about her father, "My father is not a butcher." Her voice had a certain cold anger to it, and if looks could kill Ronan would be long dead. "He is not." As far as she was aware her father was relatively nice to those under him. Of course any who went against him were punished, but that was the natural order of things. And as far as she was aware he didn't kill people. He certainly wasn't a warrior, like one of her brothers was and her husband had been. After a few moments she also calmed herself down, taking a deep breath. Probably best to not get to the point of being so angry she didn't think. She'd rather her stay was as comfortable as possible. [b]"Of course I can memorise it,"[/b] she spoke as if there was no doubt to that. She was sure she could easily memorise it. Using it, however... She had never really liked maps and had regretted not learning to properly use them. She had much preferred reading books as a form of entertainment. She did love a good book. [b]"And the creatures are most likely some form of decoration."[/b] She wasn't sure if he was being serious when he suggested that they maybe lived where they were on the map. She looked taken aback by his question, trying to completely work out what he meant. [b]"Eaten food? Of course I have eaten food before. If I hadn't I would be dead,"[/b] she narrowed her eyes, still looking confused. [b]"I don't agree with it being what we exist for, more merely something we must do to survive."[/b] She sniffed the air, trying not to make a face. Well it certainly smelt nothing like what she was used to. She doubted they even bothered doing anything with the meat, like seasoning it or adding flavour. [b]"Do you eat the same thing every day? Just meat?"[/b] She look absolutely repulsed at even the possibility of such a thing. Surely everyone had varied meals?