Karah was trembling, as a child she had had fierce nightmares about creatures of the night that would attack humans and prey on them, sucking the blood from them until they were dead. It might have been too many horror movies, or all those snacks she ate right before bedtime but it had sure led to one wild imagination still. She walked over to her window and looked out at the world, lucky for her she didn't look down on the campus she looked out on the town that they lived in. People were milling around on the streets, children were laughing and dogs were barking from their yards. You would think that no one had died, but to them, no one had yet. They probably saw the ambulance and the cops, sure, but your first thought would be hmmm kids must have got in a fight? Or one of the football players had a heat stroke. Not that someone had been brutally murdered. Well could you call it murder? Or would it be a terrible accident? This made Karah want to move off campus more than she had already wanted too, she paced the room. The walls felt like they were closing in around her, the fear that she felt was unreal. Sure people died in KC, they died all the time, murder was fun to the people in that city, but not once had it ever happened this close to her. She laid down on the bed, her legs hanging off of it, her feet barely skimming the floor. She hadn't bothered to lock the door behind Miles, because no one would come in here before he got back, no on even knew she was in this room yet. Her thoughts went back to Diamond, one second she is threatening her and the next moment she is being nice. Karah was still confused by that whole scene with Diamond at the restaurant last night, why had Diamond decided to say she was sorry? And what did she mean by she ran the campus? Karah drifted off, thinking of Diamond with her long blonde hair, and fangs....