Araile laughed at HumHum's comment, "I assure you, that is because I am simply being calm and nice to you, but if I were trying to rip you to shreds I would take on the look of a sharp tooth shark, my teeth can elongate and my mouth opens wider when I am trying to kill something. But I have never used that on a Harpy, you must understand this, not everyone of us has killed your kind. I have good reason to hunt down the one that I know killed my family, but I wont, I don't believe in reacting to violence with violence. Even so, if I did that, it would just keep this violent circle we have going between our kinds and we would never see an end to it. I seek to end that, I want our kinds to coexist." Araile stopped herself from talking, she had already said too terribly much that if her father ever heard her speaking like that he would lock her up and make sure that she never saw the light of day. "We eat fish, and calms. As far as I know, none of our kind has actually ever ate a harpy's meat...."