[hider=Varren Yinyues] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/dhCZPqj.jpg?1[/img] 5’10”/137 lbs Dressed in a black hoodie and jeans, he also lugs around a small backpack. Since Varren's firearm has a high rate of fire, and it's only use at long-range engagements is providing suppression, he carries with him extra ammunition. [b]Name:[/b] Varren Yinyues [b]Nickname:[/b] N/A [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Age Appearance:[/b] Slightly younger than his given age, can be perceived as a 16 year old. This tends to post a problem when dealing with personnel. Most workers are under the impression he is just a kid wearing the clothing of a guard. [b]Personality:[/b] Varren is eternally loyal to his comrades and through who are close to him, being taught the rights and wrongs at a young age. He has a natural sense of justice, and believes that those who commit crimes or horrible acts should be dealt with. The boy is compassionate,understanding and is driven by good morals; perfect qualities for a guard who serves for the crew. He never disagrees with orders and is always happy to lend a helping hand to crew members, even if it’s for minor tasks. Varren is good at defusing arguments and keeping others calm, since he cares more about the well-being of others, rather than his own. Overall, he acts kindly to those who deserve it, and operates as expected to those who are unethical or pose a threat to the crew. At least, that is the facade which he cowers behind. Internally, Varren is a complete mess of emotions and dishonest feelings. He uncontrollably has nightmares of his father’s demise, which haunt and torment him. Though he may look like sort of an airhead on the outside, he is actually a blunt realist, who sees the world for what it is. Yinyues lives off of an empty heart, which he tries to fill with a fake persona, to protect the shambled wreck which remains. When it comes to combat, Varren’s composure is a mixture of the two personalities. The compassion for fellow human beings goes straight down the drain, and he has mental control of himself. Due to the fact he mutes out his churning opinions and internal feelings, he is able to think rationally and realistically. If a comrade were to fall before him, he would rather finish the rest of the enemies before checking on the wounded. Whether or not the person survives is an outcome of battle, and only minimal time can be given to mourn, before moving on to the neck objective. Though, he treats his comrades as family, and would rather have any adversaries focus on him, since he is more agile than most individuals. [b]Backstory:[/b] Varren was born on the island of Lemnos, within the main city, Myrina. The region was named after an island which existed a few centuries ago, ran by a civilization known as The Greeks. Unlike the original island which spanned 477 km, this one was only a minescule 22 km. It was renowned for its large metal deposits, and harbored a constantly bustling trading port. Education was based around mining rather than the normal plethora of subjects, there weren’t many jobs to choose from either than harvesting the island for its exports. Even though the island is only 22 km across, its vertical height is technically unknown. Though, as workers mine deeper into the land, the pressure increases as they descend. The job is dangerous, yet profitable. Varren was adopted by the chief of police at the age of two, a single man who had chosen to never marry. Instead, he chose to take a child under his wing, somebody he could trust to take the reins of the police force. Of course, it was a hassle and a very complicated job to raise a child, especially for a man who had to refer to his memories of how his mother raised him. He only knew the bare minimum; feeding, changing the baby’s diapers, taking him out for strolls. Though, off of this base, the chief was able to develop and enhance his abilities as a parent. Since the man was at the office most of the time, he had the tendency to frequently bring his son to work. His co-workers found it laughable how the brass-hearted boss cared for a helpless child. By the time Varren started his third year in school, he had been balancing his studies and training with firearms. Since Lemnos had a high-traffic port, the police had to constantly monitor each ship which entered and left the island. Anything was possible, which meant the officers had to train for any sort of scenario, and must be able to quickly adapt. This capability was something that Varren aspired to. Working in a unit, stopping crime, saving the day, it was all his dream. He intended to make it come true, as he practiced his accuracy with low-caliber firearms on a daily basis, observed cadet training sessions, and read up on previous combat situations. A majority of the time, the life of a Lemnos citizen was peaceful, since the crime rate wasn’t too high. Yet, once in a while, there were those who wished to end such lives, people who Yinyues learned to despise. By the time Varren was seventeen, he was close to graduating from high school, and had already passed cadet training under his father’s wing. A tradition for the school he attended was to go on an annual field trip to the city hall, the center hub which ran the mining industry and trading regularities. It wasn’t anything special to the student, as he had seen the inner walls of the grand building multiple times, more than he could count. It was just a cycle nearing its final revolution, soon he would be serving and supporting justice. Though, something out of the ordinary occurred. During the middle of their ordain tour, gunshots went off near the mayor’s room. Everybody within the hall stood motionless, unsure of how to react. They all watched the door of the office expectantly, waiting for something to pop out. After a few moments, armed individuals bursted out of the room, escorting the mayor with a rifle pointed at his back. It wasn’t long until the whole entire ordeal turned into a hostage situation. The unsuspecting guards who were stationed inside of the building were easily picked off, as they were vastly outnumbered. After a few minutes, the police finally responded. The extremists which had taken the hostages demanded that the highest ranking officer enter the building, unarmed. Even though all requests were made, the trigger-happy terrorists fell back on their deal and set off an pre-placed explosive charges. Afterwards, an intense firefight broke out between the police force and the gunmen. While all of this was happening, Varren and his classmates were taking reconciliation, out of harm’s way. After the firefight had finally came to a close, the police force breached the building and completely searched it. It was confirmed that only one officer was killed in action; Varren’s father. Varren simply could not stand living on the island which served as his father’s resting bed. He had to leave the island as soon as possible, for his own sanity’s sake. But before that, he had to secure a job which provided a steady income. Rumors spread that there was a small squad of ex-police from another island, who served as guards for a cargo ship. Yinyues believed he could employ his skills best in the profession. The police force granted him use of one of their rarely used PDWs, along with contact information to the ammunition provider. Once he acquired the necessities, Varren made his way to the arranged meeting place. He was not surprised that he was the only applicant, as it was only a mere rumor. But there they were, three men who were carrying advanced firearms and batons. The leader of the crew introduced himself as “James”, and after a tedious interview and review of the boy’s abilities, they let him into the team. [b]Classification: [/b]The Young Guard - There is absolutely nothing magical about this man except for his ability to deal with lowly-regarded complaints from crew members, forced down upon him by his higher-ups. [b]Skills: [/b] [*]Close Quarters Combat:[/*] Since Varren’s firearm is a low-caliber PDW, it’s rightful home is close-up combat, where there are only a few yards between his opponent, and bullets must be dumped before he has to take cover. The user must adapt and work with the gun’s capabilities. Because of Varren’s sleek figure, he can run at higher speeds and close the gap between combatants. [*]Maneuverability:[/*] Varren has a finesse when it comes to moving his body in the direction he wants it to go. Agile, nimble, and quick on his feet, he is able to adapt as the situation changes, and can find ways to flank or move out of his enemy’s line of sight. This also helps out when he is assisting crew members, such as getting into spaces without much breathing room. His body is scarily compatible, which he uses to his advantage. [b]Techniques: [/b] [*]None as of yet, either than simply pointing his firearm and shooting it.[/*] [b]Equipment:[/b] [*][url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/077/7/7/concept_art_riddick_aoda___baton_by_torvenius-d4t4ybj.jpg]Electric Baton[/URL]: A standard issue detainment baton, used by guards and rule-enforcing personnel aboard The Free Wind. The blunt weapon is small, compatible and lightweight; perfect for swift movements. [/*] [*][url=http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/219/c/b/fsw_24_j_tecpatl_smg_by_daisukekazama-d4wob4j.jpg]FsW-24J Tecpatl[/URL]: The Tecpatl SMG fires a 6.2x25mm caliber round, has a firing rate of 750RPM and is loaded with a 40 round arc magazine. The firearm is equipped with an iron sight and detachable STANAG rail. The attributes of the gun are picked from predecessors from decades ago, the result was a well-rounded PDW with low recoil, employed by most sub-military professions. Of course, Varren is only authorized to use lethal rounds in certain situations, such as an attack by armed assailants. To compensate, he carries with him less-than lethal ball rounds.[/*] [*][url=http://cdn2.bigcommerce.com/server4400/40ba1/products/2589/images/6458/IMG_0007__83102.1409446681.1280.1280.jpg?c=2]Magnetic Boots[/URL]: Whenever fellow classmates paraded around their most modern and top-notch footwear, Varren could just mention these bad boys and make them shut their traps almost instantly. To an unacquainted user, the boots feel sluggish and heavy, and seem to inhibit one’s movement rather than enhancing it. He was given the pair of boots as a present for his sixteenth birthday. Yinyues would have never guessed that they would have been the last things he would receive from his noble father. To an experienced user, whose feet and leg muscles have adapted to moving swiftly with the extra weight, it opens up new possibilities and ways of movement.[/*] [b]Position:[/b] Cargo Guard - One out of the four guards tasked with protecting the Free Wind’s precious cargo, Varren is considered the newest edition to the force. Being green out of [i]training[/i], the other guards find it odd how he obtained such a remarkable PDW. He is easily considered the odd one out for his age and amount of experience. The guards’ main objective is to watch any precious cargo and assist the crew members. They help by running errands, conveying messages and lending a hand. The guards themselves are ex-police, discharged for disobeying orders made by a corrupt force. The three original individuals are morally good, and specifically asked to not be paid in high quantities. Theme Song: [youtube]9XRocIidHBc[/youtube][/CENTER] [/HIDER] Went for a character who is employed as a guard, to protect the ship's merchandise.