[quote=Assallya] Again their new patron refused to deliver his name and she would be damned if she would give hers without hearing his first. She briefly flirted with the idea that he might be a demon. It was said that to know a demon's name was to have power over it. What better way to handle any would be uprisings than to gather up the likeliest heroes and massacre them?Hefting one of her hand axes Nyala tossed it gently into the air, spinning it one perfect circle before catching it again by the haft. Some people threw daggers, she instead threw hand axes. Swords were great against creatures or unarmoured opponents but against those wearing armour a sword was capable only of bludgeoning. Only a sword's point was of use, able to pierce through armour with a savage thrust. Axes, on the other hand, with their greater heft could cleave a breast plate inwards with a solid impact. The trick was, of course, landing such a blow while an opponent was dodging, weaving and parrying. "Nay," she replied, "Me entire hold had some say in my training, learned a bit from every Njord who'd ever gone aviking. Swords be good for slashing but armour, armour takes an axe or a pike. Thus I be carryin' both." [/quote] "an interesting idea, I see it works well for you, I wish others could learn to use a weapon in each had much like you, it's rare and I have heard of it only in the north but never have I seen it with my eyes till now, The names cagan and it's a pleasure to meet a woman as clearly dangerous as yourself" the knight spoke before drinking an ale he had reserved from a 'drink all around' boy was he ready for the drink, almost drooling. His hands quickly snatched the beverage and slammed it into his mouth. It was going to get late soon enough and the man was ready to tire to his bed but would wait for all if not most of his recruits to do so first.