[b]Archer[/b] The knight in red could only stare as the skeleton took the worse possible option, and tried to drive off with the dragon's eggs: if anything was going to endanger the rest of the group, this was it. Nothing that threatened the safety of literally everyone else could be allowed to carry on... unless the perpetrator was offered as a sacrifice to buy everyone else some time. Archer knew two weapons that could be projected to keep Ghost Rider in place long enough that everyone else could get out. One was the favoured weapon of the King of Heroes but such an item functioned best with his particular abilities; Archer simply couldn't replicate the conditions that gave it such utility without time to prepare. The other, however, wasn't even a Noble Phantasm. It was a weapon known to Church Executioners: the Black Keys. Particularly effective against spiritual entities, the daggers had an additional utility that would prove particular useful against the flaming skeleton: if they struck something's shadow, it was pinned in place. Though it was definitely possible to break free, or to avoid such a fate, it would buy precious time by pinning the idiotic monster in place whilst everyone else left. Archer rid himself of the twin swords, fading into spirit form to avoid the wave of moisture before reappearing elsewhere in the cave. A bow was once again projected--this time with an altered version of the Church's favoured weaponry put in place, altered to serve better as an arrow but with its fundamental properties intact. The white-haired man didn't stop at one, repeatedly firing over a dozen at the skull's shadow; more than enough to prevent the blonde from shooting each blade out of the air, even if he [i]wanted[/i] to deflect arrows that would only hit rock--in the process, attracting the dragon's attention away from the group and towards its eggs. It was a calculated group of shots: the blonde had shown his unwillingness to allow anything to suffer injury; thus Archer made shots that would spare most of the group, seem harmless... and at the same time rid them of their greatest obstacle. Ghost Rider would be held in place, even if he swerved to avoid missiles that would never hit, and be stuck in place for the mother to play with as everyone else escaped. "Run!" ---- [b]Nanoha[/b] Nanoha's ability to follow an invisible creature's movements was sorely lacking--but responding to a physical attack was something that gave her no difficulty at all: the experience magical girl threw up a simple protection spell and weathered the assault with minimal difficulty. Trying to pin down a rapidly moving corpse was unpleasant... but she had a good response to such a thing, which wouldn't hurt the civilians that she could spot through the trees: Restrict Lock, a binding spell that could be used to summon magical rings around a target's limbs. Though the dragon cat could break free, it would be slowed by the bind--long enough, hopefully, to let both the other magic-user in the air with her to get in a hit, as well as letting the civilians get away.