Miles jogged across campus towards his dorm. He didn't want to mention it, but he was a little on edge. In his mind he was saying it was just some rabid animal, but something in his gut said otherwise. Miles reached his dorm room and unlocked it. As he opened it, Jimmy was standing right in the middle of the room. Just, staring at him. It had looked like Jimmy had been standing there for quite some time. As if waiting for Miles. "Hey uh, Jimmy." Miles said a little taken aback. 'Did you hear about what happened on campus?" Jimmy just stared at Miles and looked like he started smirking. "Oh, yes I did Miles. Quite a horrible thing to have happened. Don't you agree?" Jimmy said to Miles, still standing in place. Miles walked over to his side of the room and started throwing things in a small duffel bag. As he packed, he felt Jimmy step towards him. "Where are you going Miles?" Miles finished putting a few clothes and toiletries into the bag and zipped it up. He turned to see Jimmy only a few steps away from him. Still with the same expression from earlier. "I, uh." Miles started. He was going to tell him where he was going, but something told him not to. "I'm going to campus security. They said anyone that wanted to could stay in their building." Miles started walking past Jimmy. When Jimmy grabbed Miles' arm and looked him in the eyes. "Is that really where you're going? Wouldn't you feel safer here?" Miles' jerked his arm from Jimmy's grasp. "Yea, that's where I'm going, but thank you for the offer." Miles strode for the door and left, slamming it behind him. He could hear Jimmy yell after him. "Please be safe Miles." Miles was a little more than freaked out and ran back to Karah's room. What stuck in Miles' head was not the way Jimmy acted, but that he called him by his name. Jimmy never called Miles by his name. Miles senses were on high alert as he ran across campus. His eyes darting everything. He didn't know what he was looking for really, but he knew he was looking out for something. He quickly reached Karah's room. He knocked on the door as he opened it. "Lucy, I'm home!" He called out, trying to make himself feel less freaked out. He then laughed slightly, as Karah wouldn't probably get that reference. Since all the TV shows he watched back home were old, mid 1900's shows that no one watched anymore.